有没有办法在不影响代码的情况下缩进 Python
Is there a way to indent Python without affecting the code
我正在尝试在 Maya 中编写一个用户界面,它变得令人难以置信地混淆了多个级别的父级并且没有缩进。基本代码(没有任何功能)目前大约有 400 行,需要一段时间才能找到我需要的部分。
#Earlier user interface
py.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 )
py.text( label="", width = 1 )
py.text( label="Column 1", enable = False, width = 250 )
py.text( label="", width = 1 )
py.text( label="Column 2" enable = False, width = 250 )
py.text( label="", width = 1 )
py.text( label="" )
py.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 )
py.text( label=" Input data:", align="left" )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.textField( text = "Text here" )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.setParent( ".." )
py.text( label="" )
py.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 )
py.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 )
py.radioButton( label = "Read file from path", width = 100 )
py.text( label="" )
py.button( label = "Browse" )
py.text( label="" )
py.button( label = "Validate" )
py.setParent( ".." )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.setParent( ".." )
py.setParent( ".." )
py.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 )
py.text( label="", width = 1 )
py.text( label="Column 1", enable = False, width = 250 )
py.text( label="", width = 1 )
py.text( label="Column 2" enable = False, width = 250 )
py.text( label="", width = 1 )
py.text( label="" )
py.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 )
py.text( label=" Input data:", align="left" )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.textField( text = "Text here" )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.setParent( ".." )
py.text( label="" )
py.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 )
py.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 )
py.radioButton( label = "Read file from path", width = 100 )
py.text( label="" )
py.button( label = "Browse" )
py.text( label="" )
py.button( label = "Validate" )
py.setParent( ".." )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.setParent( ".." )
py.setParent( ".." )
有没有什么办法可以让我用缩进来编写它,但让它在执行时忽略它们?我看到这个问题问你是否可以写 python 没有缩进,但我有点需要相反的东西。
注意:某些 py.*
创建另一个程序来解析和执行您的 script.py
text = open('script.py').readlines()
text = [i.strip() for i in text]
edit = open('new.py', 'w')
for line in text:
edit.write(line + '\n')
此文件创建了一个修改后的 new.py
mycode = """\
print "something"
print "something else"
print 42
exec('\n'.join(line.lstrip() for line in mycode.splitlines()))
something else
exec('\n'.join(line.lstrip() for line in """\
print "something"
print "something else"
print 42
print "something"
print "something else"
var = 42
with open('mycode.py') as code:
exec(''.join(line.lstrip() for line in code))
print 'var:', var
something else
var: 42
警告:我应该指出,这些都删除了每行的 all 缩进,这会弄乱任何多行 Python 代码(比如 if/else
) 遇到——这可能会限制它的用处,具体取决于你在做什么。
第一个是在每行的开头加上一个老生常谈的前缀,就像上面建议的 if True:
# ...
if 'level 1': a = py.text( label="" )
if 'level 2': b = py.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 )
if 'level 3': c = py.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 )
if 'level 4': d = py.radioButton( label = "Read file from path", width = 100 )
# ...
如果您不使用计算结果为 False
的字符串(如 ''
),您可以将这些字符串用作注释,以帮助您记住您正在构建的 GUI 的哪一部分在任何给定的行上(当然,用适当数量的空格填充以确保事情仍然排成一行)。
objects = {}
commands = [
# ...
dict( name = 'spam', func = py.text, label="" ),
dict( name = 'ham', func = py.rowColumnLayout, numberOfColumns = 4 ),
dict( name = 'eggs', func = py.rowColumnLayout, numberOfColumns = 5 ),
dict( name = 'beans', func = py.radioButton, label = "Read file from path", width = 100 ),
# ...
for d in commands:
objects[ d.pop( 'name' ) ] = d.pop( 'func' )( **d )
interface = [
[py.rowColumnLayout, [], dict(numberOfColumns=5)],
[py.text, [], dict(label="", width=1)],
[py.text, [], dict(label="Column 1", enable=False, width=250)],
[py.setParent, [".."], {}],
for callable, args, kwargs in interface:
callable(*args, **kwargs)
或 []
这是像我们这样的技术艺术家在 Maya 中构建 UI 时每天都会遇到的一个很好的用例。
基于 PyMEL UI:
这是内置于 PyMEL 中的。您不必创建上下文管理器。布局命令本身就是上下文管理器。您只需在每个布局命令调用之前添加一个 with
# Do this when using PyMEL for your UI code
import pymel.core as pm
# ...
with pm.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 ):
pm.text( label="", width = 1 )
pm.text( label="Column 1", enable = False, width = 250 )
pm.text( label="", width = 1 )
pm.text( label="Column 2", enable = False, width = 250 )
pm.text( label="", width = 1 )
pm.text( label="" )
with pm.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 ):
pm.text( label=" Input data:", align="left" )
pm.text( label="" )
pm.text( label="" )
pm.text( label="" )
pm.textField( text = "Text here" )
pm.text( label="" )
pm.text( label="" )
pm.text( label="" )
pm.text( label="" )
with pm.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 ):
with pm.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 ):
pm.radioButton( label = "Read file from path", width = 100 )
pm.text( label="" )
pm.button( label = "Browse" )
pm.text( label="" )
pm.button( label = "Validate" )
pm.text( label="" )
pm.text( label="" )
pm.text( label="" )
基于maya.cmds UI:
# Do this when using Maya's cmds for your UI code
import maya.cmds as cmds
# ...
from contextlib import contextmanager
def neat_indent():
# OPTIONAL: This is also an opportunity to do something before the block of code runs!
# During this is where your indented block will execute
# Leave it empty
# OPTIONAL: This is where you can write code that executes AFTER your indented block executes.
这样您的代码就不必更改太多。只需在每个预期缩进的开头添加带有 with
cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 )
with neat_indent():
cmds.text( label="", width = 1 )
cmds.text( label="Column 1", enable = False, width = 250 )
cmds.text( label="", width = 1 )
cmds.text( label="Column 2", enable = False, width = 250 )
cmds.text( label="", width = 1 )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 )
with neat_indent():
cmds.text( label=" Input data:", align="left" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.textField( text = "Text here" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.setParent( ".." )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 )
with neat_indent():
cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 )
with neat_indent():
cmds.radioButton( label = "Read file from path", width = 100 )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.button( label = "Browse" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.button( label = "Validate" )
cmds.setParent( ".." )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.setParent( ".." )
cmds.setParent( ".." )
我们创建的上下文管理器 neat_indent()
还让您有机会编写封装缩进块的代码。这里的一个实际例子是,在每个缩进的末尾,你发现自己写着 py.setParent("..")
。您可以将其放入上下文管理器的 finally
from contextlib import contextmanager
def neat_indent(parent=None):
# OPTIONAL: This is also an opportunity to do something before the block of code runs!
# During this is where your indented block will execute
# Leave it empty
# OPTIONAL: This is where you can write code that executes AFTER your indented block executes.
if parent:
cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 )
with neat_indent(".."):
cmds.text( label="", width = 1 )
cmds.text( label="Column 1", enable = False, width = 250 )
cmds.text( label="", width = 1 )
cmds.text( label="Column 2", enable = False, width = 250 )
cmds.text( label="", width = 1 )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 )
with neat_indent(".."):
cmds.text( label=" Input data:", align="left" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.textField( text = "Text here" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 )
with neat_indent(".."):
cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 )
with neat_indent(".."):
cmds.radioButton( label = "Read file from path", width = 100 )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.button( label = "Browse" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.button( label = "Validate" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
上下文管理器很强大。在这个 post 中,我使用了 contextlib
标准库模块中的 contextmanager
装饰器。您可以阅读有关此技术的信息 here. About with
in general here。
此外,正是出于这个目的(目的之一),使 UI 在 Maya 中的开发更清洁和更 Pythonic @theodox 创建了 mGui 模块。看看吧。
@Kartik 的回答很好地涵盖了基础。我要指出的是,您可以通过允许上下文管理器在线声明布局(rowLayout、columnLayout 等)来进一步清理布局代码,这使它变得更加容易:
class uiCtx(object):
quickie layouthelper: automatically setParents after a layout is finished
def __init__(self, uiClass, *args, **kwargs):
self.Control = uiClass(*args, **kwargs)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, tb, val, traceback):
def __repr__(self):
return self.Control
会在遇到时调用 maya.cmds 布局函数,然后在缩进块的末尾关闭父级,因此您可以像此代码段中一样进行布局调用
with uiCtx(cmds.rowLayout, **layout_options) as widget:
self.Toggle = cmds.checkBox('', v = self.Module.enabled, cc = self._state_changed)
with uiCtx(cmds.columnLayout, w=self.COLUMNS[1], cal='left') as details:
cmds.text(l = self.ModuleKey, fn = "boldLabelFont")
cmds.text(l = self.Module.path, fn = "smallObliqueLabelFont")
cmds.button("edit", c=self._edit)
cmds.button("show", c=self._show)
return widget
将 __repr__
添加到 uiCtx
后,您就可以像普通 Maya 布局命令那样将其视为返回字符串,因此在该示例中可以查询 'widget'通常的方式。
整个就是up on GitHub to see it in context. As Kartik also pointed out there's a more elaborate declarative UI option in the form of mGui,实际上是这样的:
with gui.Window('window', title = 'fred') as example_window:
with BindingContext() as bind_ctx:
with VerticalForm('main') as main:
Text(None, label = "The following items don't have vertex colors")
lists.VerticalList('lister' ).Collection < bind() < bound
with HorizontalStretchForm('buttons'):
Button('refresh', l='Refresh')
Button('close', l='Close')
# show the window
还有一些 maya 布局相关信息 here
if True:
# Indented code.
print("This entire code block is indented.")
我正在尝试在 Maya 中编写一个用户界面,它变得令人难以置信地混淆了多个级别的父级并且没有缩进。基本代码(没有任何功能)目前大约有 400 行,需要一段时间才能找到我需要的部分。
#Earlier user interface
py.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 )
py.text( label="", width = 1 )
py.text( label="Column 1", enable = False, width = 250 )
py.text( label="", width = 1 )
py.text( label="Column 2" enable = False, width = 250 )
py.text( label="", width = 1 )
py.text( label="" )
py.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 )
py.text( label=" Input data:", align="left" )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.textField( text = "Text here" )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.setParent( ".." )
py.text( label="" )
py.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 )
py.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 )
py.radioButton( label = "Read file from path", width = 100 )
py.text( label="" )
py.button( label = "Browse" )
py.text( label="" )
py.button( label = "Validate" )
py.setParent( ".." )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.setParent( ".." )
py.setParent( ".." )
py.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 )
py.text( label="", width = 1 )
py.text( label="Column 1", enable = False, width = 250 )
py.text( label="", width = 1 )
py.text( label="Column 2" enable = False, width = 250 )
py.text( label="", width = 1 )
py.text( label="" )
py.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 )
py.text( label=" Input data:", align="left" )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.textField( text = "Text here" )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.setParent( ".." )
py.text( label="" )
py.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 )
py.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 )
py.radioButton( label = "Read file from path", width = 100 )
py.text( label="" )
py.button( label = "Browse" )
py.text( label="" )
py.button( label = "Validate" )
py.setParent( ".." )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.text( label="" )
py.setParent( ".." )
py.setParent( ".." )
有没有什么办法可以让我用缩进来编写它,但让它在执行时忽略它们?我看到这个问题问你是否可以写 python 没有缩进,但我有点需要相反的东西。
注意:某些 py.*
创建另一个程序来解析和执行您的 script.py
text = open('script.py').readlines()
text = [i.strip() for i in text]
edit = open('new.py', 'w')
for line in text:
edit.write(line + '\n')
此文件创建了一个修改后的 new.py
mycode = """\
print "something"
print "something else"
print 42
exec('\n'.join(line.lstrip() for line in mycode.splitlines()))
something else
exec('\n'.join(line.lstrip() for line in """\
print "something"
print "something else"
print 42
print "something"
print "something else"
var = 42
with open('mycode.py') as code:
exec(''.join(line.lstrip() for line in code))
print 'var:', var
something else
var: 42
警告:我应该指出,这些都删除了每行的 all 缩进,这会弄乱任何多行 Python 代码(比如 if/else
) 遇到——这可能会限制它的用处,具体取决于你在做什么。
第一个是在每行的开头加上一个老生常谈的前缀,就像上面建议的 if True:
# ...
if 'level 1': a = py.text( label="" )
if 'level 2': b = py.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 )
if 'level 3': c = py.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 )
if 'level 4': d = py.radioButton( label = "Read file from path", width = 100 )
# ...
如果您不使用计算结果为 False
的字符串(如 ''
),您可以将这些字符串用作注释,以帮助您记住您正在构建的 GUI 的哪一部分在任何给定的行上(当然,用适当数量的空格填充以确保事情仍然排成一行)。
objects = {}
commands = [
# ...
dict( name = 'spam', func = py.text, label="" ),
dict( name = 'ham', func = py.rowColumnLayout, numberOfColumns = 4 ),
dict( name = 'eggs', func = py.rowColumnLayout, numberOfColumns = 5 ),
dict( name = 'beans', func = py.radioButton, label = "Read file from path", width = 100 ),
# ...
for d in commands:
objects[ d.pop( 'name' ) ] = d.pop( 'func' )( **d )
interface = [
[py.rowColumnLayout, [], dict(numberOfColumns=5)],
[py.text, [], dict(label="", width=1)],
[py.text, [], dict(label="Column 1", enable=False, width=250)],
[py.setParent, [".."], {}],
for callable, args, kwargs in interface:
callable(*args, **kwargs)
或 []
这是像我们这样的技术艺术家在 Maya 中构建 UI 时每天都会遇到的一个很好的用例。
基于 PyMEL UI:
这是内置于 PyMEL 中的。您不必创建上下文管理器。布局命令本身就是上下文管理器。您只需在每个布局命令调用之前添加一个 with
# Do this when using PyMEL for your UI code
import pymel.core as pm
# ...
with pm.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 ):
pm.text( label="", width = 1 )
pm.text( label="Column 1", enable = False, width = 250 )
pm.text( label="", width = 1 )
pm.text( label="Column 2", enable = False, width = 250 )
pm.text( label="", width = 1 )
pm.text( label="" )
with pm.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 ):
pm.text( label=" Input data:", align="left" )
pm.text( label="" )
pm.text( label="" )
pm.text( label="" )
pm.textField( text = "Text here" )
pm.text( label="" )
pm.text( label="" )
pm.text( label="" )
pm.text( label="" )
with pm.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 ):
with pm.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 ):
pm.radioButton( label = "Read file from path", width = 100 )
pm.text( label="" )
pm.button( label = "Browse" )
pm.text( label="" )
pm.button( label = "Validate" )
pm.text( label="" )
pm.text( label="" )
pm.text( label="" )
基于maya.cmds UI:
# Do this when using Maya's cmds for your UI code
import maya.cmds as cmds
# ...
from contextlib import contextmanager
def neat_indent():
# OPTIONAL: This is also an opportunity to do something before the block of code runs!
# During this is where your indented block will execute
# Leave it empty
# OPTIONAL: This is where you can write code that executes AFTER your indented block executes.
这样您的代码就不必更改太多。只需在每个预期缩进的开头添加带有 with
cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 )
with neat_indent():
cmds.text( label="", width = 1 )
cmds.text( label="Column 1", enable = False, width = 250 )
cmds.text( label="", width = 1 )
cmds.text( label="Column 2", enable = False, width = 250 )
cmds.text( label="", width = 1 )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 )
with neat_indent():
cmds.text( label=" Input data:", align="left" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.textField( text = "Text here" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.setParent( ".." )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 )
with neat_indent():
cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 )
with neat_indent():
cmds.radioButton( label = "Read file from path", width = 100 )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.button( label = "Browse" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.button( label = "Validate" )
cmds.setParent( ".." )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.setParent( ".." )
cmds.setParent( ".." )
我们创建的上下文管理器 neat_indent()
还让您有机会编写封装缩进块的代码。这里的一个实际例子是,在每个缩进的末尾,你发现自己写着 py.setParent("..")
。您可以将其放入上下文管理器的 finally
from contextlib import contextmanager
def neat_indent(parent=None):
# OPTIONAL: This is also an opportunity to do something before the block of code runs!
# During this is where your indented block will execute
# Leave it empty
# OPTIONAL: This is where you can write code that executes AFTER your indented block executes.
if parent:
cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 )
with neat_indent(".."):
cmds.text( label="", width = 1 )
cmds.text( label="Column 1", enable = False, width = 250 )
cmds.text( label="", width = 1 )
cmds.text( label="Column 2", enable = False, width = 250 )
cmds.text( label="", width = 1 )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 )
with neat_indent(".."):
cmds.text( label=" Input data:", align="left" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.textField( text = "Text here" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 4 )
with neat_indent(".."):
cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns = 5 )
with neat_indent(".."):
cmds.radioButton( label = "Read file from path", width = 100 )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.button( label = "Browse" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.button( label = "Validate" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
cmds.text( label="" )
上下文管理器很强大。在这个 post 中,我使用了 contextlib
标准库模块中的 contextmanager
装饰器。您可以阅读有关此技术的信息 here. About with
in general here。
此外,正是出于这个目的(目的之一),使 UI 在 Maya 中的开发更清洁和更 Pythonic @theodox 创建了 mGui 模块。看看吧。
@Kartik 的回答很好地涵盖了基础。我要指出的是,您可以通过允许上下文管理器在线声明布局(rowLayout、columnLayout 等)来进一步清理布局代码,这使它变得更加容易:
class uiCtx(object):
quickie layouthelper: automatically setParents after a layout is finished
def __init__(self, uiClass, *args, **kwargs):
self.Control = uiClass(*args, **kwargs)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, tb, val, traceback):
def __repr__(self):
return self.Control
会在遇到时调用 maya.cmds 布局函数,然后在缩进块的末尾关闭父级,因此您可以像此代码段中一样进行布局调用
with uiCtx(cmds.rowLayout, **layout_options) as widget:
self.Toggle = cmds.checkBox('', v = self.Module.enabled, cc = self._state_changed)
with uiCtx(cmds.columnLayout, w=self.COLUMNS[1], cal='left') as details:
cmds.text(l = self.ModuleKey, fn = "boldLabelFont")
cmds.text(l = self.Module.path, fn = "smallObliqueLabelFont")
cmds.button("edit", c=self._edit)
cmds.button("show", c=self._show)
return widget
将 __repr__
添加到 uiCtx
后,您就可以像普通 Maya 布局命令那样将其视为返回字符串,因此在该示例中可以查询 'widget'通常的方式。
整个就是up on GitHub to see it in context. As Kartik also pointed out there's a more elaborate declarative UI option in the form of mGui,实际上是这样的:
with gui.Window('window', title = 'fred') as example_window:
with BindingContext() as bind_ctx:
with VerticalForm('main') as main:
Text(None, label = "The following items don't have vertex colors")
lists.VerticalList('lister' ).Collection < bind() < bound
with HorizontalStretchForm('buttons'):
Button('refresh', l='Refresh')
Button('close', l='Close')
# show the window
还有一些 maya 布局相关信息 here
if True:
# Indented code.
print("This entire code block is indented.")