在 LinqToEntities 中,如何将动态列名传递给 DbFunctions.Like

In LinqToEntities, How to pass dynamic column name to DbFunctions.Like

我在 Entity Framework 的 DbSet 中有一个 IQueryable<T>。我得到了一个 "Fuzzy Search String",名为 searchText,像这样:

public List<T> Search<T>(string searchText)
    using (var context = ...)
        var baseQuery = context.Set<T>().AsQueryable();
        baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(x =>
            DbFunctions.Like(x.PropertyName, searchText)
            || DbFunctions.Like(x.PropertyTwo, searchText)
            || DbFunctions.Like(x.PropertyThree, searchText)
            || DbFunctio..... etc
        return baseQuery.ToList();

但考虑到通用性,我不知道该类型有哪些属性。我可以为实现它的人提供一个抽象方法,允许他们给我一个属性列表(甚至 PropertyInfo 或其他任何东西,我可以弄清楚)。但我不知道如何动态创建表达式。这是我目前所拥有的:

var baseQuery = context.Set<T>().AsQueryable();
var expression = baseQuery.Expression;
var colName = "colName"; // Or names, I can iterate.

var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "x");
var selector = Expression.PropertyOrField(parameter, colName);
expression = Expression.Call(typeof(DbFunctions), nameof(DbFunctions.Like),
    new Type[] { baseQuery.ElementType, selector.Type },
    expression, Expression.Quote(Expression.Lambda(selector, parameter)));

这里的问题是...好吧,它一开始就不起作用。但主要是我没有在其中的任何地方使用 searchText,并且不知道如何插入它。我认为我很接近......但是在它上面花费了过多的时间。

希望我的查询逻辑正确:如果您想根据已知类型和列名列表构建一组 LIKE 条件,您可以尝试这样的事情:

static private MethodInfo dbLikeMethod = typeof(DbFunctions).GetMethod(nameof(DbFunctions.Like), BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] {typeof(string), typeof(string)}, null); // I am targeting DbFunctions.Like(string, string). You might want another overload (or even mix them up depending on your inputs)

public List<T> Search<T>(string searchText) where T: class

    using (var context = new ...)
        var baseQuery = context.Set<T>().AsQueryable().Where(CreateExpression<T>(searchText));// you could probably find a more elegant way of plugging it into your query
        return baseQuery.ToList();

Expression<Func<T, bool>> CreateExpression<T>(string searchText) where T : class
    var cols = new List<string> {
        "PropertyTwo" // i understand you've got a way to figure out which strings you need here

    var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "x");   
    var dbLikeCalls = cols.Select(colName => Expression.Call(dbLikeMethod, Expression.PropertyOrField(parameter, colName), Expression.Constant(searchText))); // for convenience, generate list of DbFunctions.Like(x.<Property>, searchText) expressions here
    var aggregatedCalls = dbLikeCalls.Skip(1).Aggregate((Expression)dbLikeCalls.First(), (accumulate, call) => Expression.OrElse(accumulate, call)); // aggregate the list using || operators: use first item as a seed and keep adding onto it

    return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(aggregatedCalls, parameter);