使用 GET VERB [CakePHP] 调用 view($id) 方法而不是 index() 方法

view($id) Method is being called instead of index() Method with GET VERB [CakePHP]

当我使用 GET VERB 输入 URL http://localhost/cake2/cruds 方法 View() 加载。我想加载 index() 方法...当我使用 GET VERB 输入 URL http://localhost/cake2/cruds/8 时,同样发生。 剩余路线工作正常。


Router::connect('/', array('[method]'=>'GET','controller' => 'Cruds', 'action' => 'index'));
Router::connect('/', array('[method]'=>'POST','controller' => 'Cruds', 'action' => 'add'));
Router::connect('/:id', array('[method]'=>'GET','controller' => 'Cruds', 'action' => 'view','id'));
Router::connect('/:id', array('[method]'=>'PUT','controller' => 'Cruds', 'action' => 'edit','id'));
Router::connect('/:id', array('[method]'=>'DELETE','controller' => 'Cruds', 'action' => 'delete','id'));

Same Routes 在 CakePHP v3 中运行良好。 我的控制器方法是:

function index()
            $users = $this->crud->find('all');
            $users = Set::extract($users, '{n}.crud');
            $this->set('message', json_encode($users,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));  

`function view($id)
            $user = $this->crud->findById($id);
            if (!$user) {
                $this->set('message', "User Not Found..!");

这一行清楚地表明它将在 id

上调用 view 操作
Router::connect('/:id', array('[method]'=>'GET','controller' => 'Cruds', 'action' => 'view','id'));


Router::connect('/:id', array('[method]'=>'GET','controller' => 'Cruds', 'action' => 'index','id'));
