如何找到不同的名称(在第 1 列中),其权重(在第 2 列中)在 Big Query 中的几周内(在第 3 列中)总是增加?

how to find the distinct names (in column 1) whose weight (in column 2) always increased over the the weeks (in column 3) in Big Query?


    name        week        weight
    tom         2020W10     76
    tom         2020W09     75
    tom         2020W08     74
    jane        2020W10     65
    jane        2020W09     65
    jane        2020W08     64

所以对于上述样本数据,我只想在我的结果中看到汤姆,因为他的体重总是随着日期的推移而增加。在我的原始数据集中,我有 10,000 个名字和超过 10 周的时间,所以用更蛮力的方法真的很难做到。我正在考虑在大查询中使用回归函数,但是我必须做尽可能多的回归,因为我有唯一的名字。我真的很感激任何帮助。谢谢!

一种方法使用 lag() 和聚合:

with t AS (
      SELECT 'tom' AS name, '2020W10' AS week, 76 AS weight UNION ALL
      select 'tom' , '2020W09' , 75 UNION ALL
      select 'tom' , '2020W08' , 74 UNION ALL
      select 'jane' , '2020W10' , 65 UNION ALL
      select 'jane' , '2020W09' , 65 UNION ALL
      select 'jane' , '2020W08' , 64
select t.name
from (select t.*, lag(weight) over (partition by name order by week) as prev_weight
      from t
     ) t
group by t.name
having countif(prev_weight >= weight) = 0 ;