在类型参数上创建 Show 实例?

Creating a Show instance on a type parameter?

我正在通过 Scala with Cats 工作,我正在尝试在 Tree[A] 类型上创建一个 Show(不是书本练习)。基本上,我试图创建一个实例,如果我有任何树,其基础值有一个 Show 实例,我可以调用 tree.show。我正在为如何表示这一点而苦苦挣扎。


sealed trait Tree[+A]
final case class Branch[A](left: Tree[A], right: Tree[A]) extends Tree[A]
final case class Leaf[A](value: A) extends Tree[A]
object Tree {

 implicit val show: Show[Tree[Show[_]]] = new Show[Tree[Show[_]]] {
     def show(t: Tree[Show[_]]): String = t match {
         case Branch(left, right) => s"*\n/\n${show(left)} ${show(right)}\n"
         case Leaf(value) => value.show

我得到missing argument list for method show in trait ContravariantShow Unapplied methods are only converted to functions when a function type is expected. You can make this conversion explicit by writing show _ or show(_) instead of显示.

当我重写为value.show(_)时,我得到了type mismatch; found : _ => String required: String

当我只写了一个字符串 "value" 来测试时,我的 Tree[Int] 实例无法在类型 Tree[Int].[=23= 上找到方法 show ]


Basically, I am trying to create an instance such that if I have any tree whose underlying values have a Show instance.

只要您知道 A 有一个 Show,您就可以为 Tree[A] 导出一个 Show

object Tree {
  implicit def treeShow[A](implicit aShow: Show[A]): Show[Tree[A]] =
    new Show[Tree[A]] {
      override def show(t: Tree[A]): String = t match {
        case Branch(left, right) => s"*\n/\n${show(left)} ${show(right)}\n"
        case Leaf(value) => aShow.show(value)