GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY 和 android 应用程序使用 unity 崩溃?
GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY and android app crashing using unity?
我试图在 运行 时间从我的 AR project.While 的许多图像链接将图像加载到图像库中,测试下面的代码 android 应用因以下错误而崩溃
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.IO;
public class DynamicImageLib : MonoBehaviour
public ARTrackedImageManager aRTrackedImageManager;
public GameObject mTrackedImagePrefab;
public Texture2D imgToTexture2d;
public MutableRuntimeReferenceImageLibrary myRuntimeImageLibrary;
public Text msgText;
public Text numText;
bool isRunning = false;
List<string> allURLs = new List<string> { "", "",
void Awake()
Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep;
aRTrackedImageManager = gameObject.AddComponent<ARTrackedImageManager>();
aRTrackedImageManager.enabled = false;
myRuntimeImageLibrary = aRTrackedImageManager.CreateRuntimeLibrary() as MutableRuntimeReferenceImageLibrary;
aRTrackedImageManager.maxNumberOfMovingImages = 1;
aRTrackedImageManager.trackedImagePrefab = mTrackedImagePrefab;
aRTrackedImageManager.trackedImagesChanged += OnImageChanged;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
Debug.Log("Intially Running................................................");
// StartCoroutine(AddImageTrackerByUrl(""));
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
public void OnImageChanged(ARTrackedImagesChangedEventArgs args)
foreach (var trackedImage in args.added)
msgText.text =;
IEnumerator AddImageTrackerByUrl()
isRunning = true;
aRTrackedImageManager.enabled = false;
if (aRTrackedImageManager.descriptor.supportsMutableLibrary)
foreach (var link in allURLs)
using (UnityWebRequest webRequest = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture(link))
yield return webRequest.SendWebRequest();
if (webRequest.isNetworkError || webRequest.isHttpError)
Debug.Log("Error is " + webRequest.error);
imgToTexture2d = DownloadHandlerTexture.GetContent(webRequest);
Unity.Jobs.JobHandle jobHandle = myRuntimeImageLibrary.ScheduleAddImageJob(imgToTexture2d, Path.GetFileName(link), 0.2f);
if (myRuntimeImageLibrary != null)
Debug.Log("Image Library Count: " + myRuntimeImageLibrary.count);
numText.text = myRuntimeImageLibrary.count.ToString();
aRTrackedImageManager.referenceLibrary = myRuntimeImageLibrary;
imgToTexture2d = null;
aRTrackedImageManager.enabled = true;
Error Unity OPENGL NATIVE PLUG-IN ERROR: GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Not enough memory left to execute command
Error Unity (Filename: ./Runtime/GfxDevice/opengles/GfxDeviceGLES.cpp Line: 353)
Error Unity OPENGL NATIVE PLUG-IN ERROR: GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Not enough memory left to execute command
Error Unity (Filename: ./Runtime/GfxDevice/opengles/GfxDeviceGLES.cpp Line: 353)
Error Unity Could not allocate memory: System out of memory!
Error Unity Trying to allocate: 72192000B with 16 alignment. MemoryLabel: NativeArray
Error Unity Allocation happened at: Line:59 in
Error Unity Memory overview
Error Unity [ ALLOC_TEMP_THREAD ] used: 32768B | peak: 0B | reserved: 2752512B
Error Unity [ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_1_FRAME ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 3145728B
Error Unity [ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_2_FRAMES ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1048576B
Error Unity [ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_4_FRAMES ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 2097152B
Error Unity [ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_ASYNC ] used: 4326745B | peak: 0B | reserved: 7340032B
Error Unity [ ALLOC_DEFAULT ] used: 15634711B | peak: 165212737B | reserved: 15974431B
Error Unity [ ALLOC_GAMEOBJECT ] used: 820820B | peak: 820952B | reserved: 823005B
Error Unity [ ALLOC_GFX ] used: 777844463B | peak: 777844463B | reserved: 777845964B
Error Unity (Filename: Line: 1449)
它最初下载了一些图像并添加到库中,crashes.Is 因为下载的图像很大?我试图通过使用 webrequest datahandler dispose 方法释放大小,但没有 effect.How 来解决与内存相关的 issues.Any 指南?
Error Unity Could not allocate memory: System out of memory!
Error Unity Trying to allocate: 72192000B with 16 alignment. MemoryLabel: NativeArray
纹理大小:6000 * 4000 * 4(RGBA) = 96MB
最好在将图像上传到 GPU 之前降低图像的分辨率并进行压缩。理想情况下,纹理大小应该是两侧的二次方。这些尺寸如下:2、4、8、16、32、64、128、256、512、1024、2048 或 4096 像素。
我试图在 运行 时间从我的 AR project.While 的许多图像链接将图像加载到图像库中,测试下面的代码 android 应用因以下错误而崩溃
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.IO;
public class DynamicImageLib : MonoBehaviour
public ARTrackedImageManager aRTrackedImageManager;
public GameObject mTrackedImagePrefab;
public Texture2D imgToTexture2d;
public MutableRuntimeReferenceImageLibrary myRuntimeImageLibrary;
public Text msgText;
public Text numText;
bool isRunning = false;
List<string> allURLs = new List<string> { "", "",
void Awake()
Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep;
aRTrackedImageManager = gameObject.AddComponent<ARTrackedImageManager>();
aRTrackedImageManager.enabled = false;
myRuntimeImageLibrary = aRTrackedImageManager.CreateRuntimeLibrary() as MutableRuntimeReferenceImageLibrary;
aRTrackedImageManager.maxNumberOfMovingImages = 1;
aRTrackedImageManager.trackedImagePrefab = mTrackedImagePrefab;
aRTrackedImageManager.trackedImagesChanged += OnImageChanged;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
Debug.Log("Intially Running................................................");
// StartCoroutine(AddImageTrackerByUrl(""));
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
public void OnImageChanged(ARTrackedImagesChangedEventArgs args)
foreach (var trackedImage in args.added)
msgText.text =;
IEnumerator AddImageTrackerByUrl()
isRunning = true;
aRTrackedImageManager.enabled = false;
if (aRTrackedImageManager.descriptor.supportsMutableLibrary)
foreach (var link in allURLs)
using (UnityWebRequest webRequest = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture(link))
yield return webRequest.SendWebRequest();
if (webRequest.isNetworkError || webRequest.isHttpError)
Debug.Log("Error is " + webRequest.error);
imgToTexture2d = DownloadHandlerTexture.GetContent(webRequest);
Unity.Jobs.JobHandle jobHandle = myRuntimeImageLibrary.ScheduleAddImageJob(imgToTexture2d, Path.GetFileName(link), 0.2f);
if (myRuntimeImageLibrary != null)
Debug.Log("Image Library Count: " + myRuntimeImageLibrary.count);
numText.text = myRuntimeImageLibrary.count.ToString();
aRTrackedImageManager.referenceLibrary = myRuntimeImageLibrary;
imgToTexture2d = null;
aRTrackedImageManager.enabled = true;
Error Unity OPENGL NATIVE PLUG-IN ERROR: GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Not enough memory left to execute command
Error Unity (Filename: ./Runtime/GfxDevice/opengles/GfxDeviceGLES.cpp Line: 353)
Error Unity OPENGL NATIVE PLUG-IN ERROR: GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Not enough memory left to execute command
Error Unity (Filename: ./Runtime/GfxDevice/opengles/GfxDeviceGLES.cpp Line: 353)
Error Unity Could not allocate memory: System out of memory!
Error Unity Trying to allocate: 72192000B with 16 alignment. MemoryLabel: NativeArray
Error Unity Allocation happened at: Line:59 in
Error Unity Memory overview
Error Unity [ ALLOC_TEMP_THREAD ] used: 32768B | peak: 0B | reserved: 2752512B
Error Unity [ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_1_FRAME ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 3145728B
Error Unity [ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_2_FRAMES ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1048576B
Error Unity [ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_4_FRAMES ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 2097152B
Error Unity [ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_ASYNC ] used: 4326745B | peak: 0B | reserved: 7340032B
Error Unity [ ALLOC_DEFAULT ] used: 15634711B | peak: 165212737B | reserved: 15974431B
Error Unity [ ALLOC_GAMEOBJECT ] used: 820820B | peak: 820952B | reserved: 823005B
Error Unity [ ALLOC_GFX ] used: 777844463B | peak: 777844463B | reserved: 777845964B
Error Unity (Filename: Line: 1449)
它最初下载了一些图像并添加到库中,crashes.Is 因为下载的图像很大?我试图通过使用 webrequest datahandler dispose 方法释放大小,但没有 effect.How 来解决与内存相关的 issues.Any 指南?
Error Unity Could not allocate memory: System out of memory!
Error Unity Trying to allocate: 72192000B with 16 alignment. MemoryLabel: NativeArray
纹理大小:6000 * 4000 * 4(RGBA) = 96MB
使用更小或压缩的纹理。 最好在将图像上传到 GPU 之前降低图像的分辨率并进行压缩。理想情况下,纹理大小应该是两侧的二次方。这些尺寸如下:2、4、8、16、32、64、128、256、512、1024、2048 或 4096 像素。