遍历 case class 列表,只输出一个 case class

Iterate through a list of case class and just output a single case class

如何遍历案例列表 class 并只输出一个案例 class,只选择符合条件的行。

例如,对于案例class abc的列表,我想捕获满足特定条件的行。

case class abc(id: int, mod: Int, a: Int, b: Int)
case class output(id: int, mod: Int, calc: Int)

val a = List( abc(1, 101, 56, 47),
              abc(1, 201, 34, 23))

val out1: Option[Output] = Some(output(1, 101, 103))

val b = List( abc(1, 101, 56, 47)
              abc(1, 202, 47, 56))

val out2: Option[Output] = Some(output(1, 202, 103))


list.foldLeft(None: Option[output]) {
  case (Some(oldMax), a) =>
    val newMax = ... // calculate output
    Some(if (check if new output is bigger) newMax else oldMax)
  case (None, a)
    Some(calculate first max)
