在 R 中训练朴素贝叶斯模型时出现问题

Problem when training Naive Bayes model in R

我正在使用 Caret 包(没有太多使用 Caret 的经验)来使用下面 R 代码中概述的朴素贝叶斯训练我的数据。我在执行 "nb_model" 时遇到包含句子的问题,因为它会产生一系列错误消息,它们是:

1: predictions failed for Fold1: usekernel= TRUE, fL=0, adjust=1 Error in 
predict.NaiveBayes(modelFit, newdata) : 
Not all variable names used in object found in newdata

2: model fit failed for Fold1: usekernel=FALSE, fL=0, adjust=1 Error in 
NaiveBayes.default(x, y, usekernel = FALSE, fL = param$fL, ...) : 

请问您能否就如何调整下面的 R 代码来解决这个问题提出建议?

Dataset used in the R code below

数据集的简要示例(10 个变量):

  Over arrested at in | Negative | Negative | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Negative |
  Positive | Neutral | Negative

# Loading dataset
TrainSet = read.csv("textsent.csv", header = FALSE)

# Specifying an 80-20 train-test split
# Creating the training and testing sets
train = TrainSet[1:1200, ]
test = TrainSet[1201:1500, ]

# Declaring the trainControl function
train_ctrl = trainControl(
  method  = "cv", #Specifying Cross validation
  number  = 3, # Specifying 3-fold

nb_model = train(
  V10 ~., # Specifying the response variable and the feature variables
  method = "nb", # Specifying the model to use
  data = train, 
  trControl = train_ctrl,

# Get the predictions of your model in the test set
predictions = predict(nb_model, newdata = test)

# See the confusion matrix of your model in the test set
confusionMatrix(predictions, test$V10)

数据集全部为字符数据。在该数据中,有易于编码的单词 (V2 - V10) 和句子的组合,您可以对其进行任意数量的特征工程并生成任意数量的特征。

要阅读有关文本挖掘的信息,请查看 tm 包、其文档或链接文章中的 hack-r.com for practical examples. Here's some Github code 等博客。

好的,所以我首先设置 stringsAsFactors = F 因为你的 V1 有很多独特的句子

TrainSet <- read.csv(url("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jcool12/dataset/master/textsentiment.csv?token=AA4LAP5VXI6I7FRKMT6HDPK6U5XBY"),
                     header = F,
                     stringsAsFactors = F)



## Feature Engineering
# V2 - V10
TrainSet[TrainSet=="Negative"] <- 0
TrainSet[TrainSet=="Positive"] <- 1

# V1 - not sure what you wanted to do with this
#     but here's a simple example of what 
#     you could do
TrainSet$V1 <- grepl("london", TrainSet$V1) # tests if london is in the string

然后它起作用了,尽管您需要改进 V1 的工程(或放弃它)以获得更好的结果。

# In reality you could probably generate 20+ decent features from this text
#  word count, tons of stuff... see the tm package

# Specifying an 80-20 train-test split
# Creating the training and testing sets
train = TrainSet[1:1200, ]
test = TrainSet[1201:1500, ]

# Declaring the trainControl function
train_ctrl = trainControl(
  method  = "cv", # Specifying Cross validation
  number  = 3,    # Specifying 3-fold

nb_model = train(
  V10 ~., # Specifying the response variable and the feature variables
  method = "nb", # Specifying the model to use
  data = train, 
  trControl = train_ctrl,

# Resampling: Cross-Validated (3 fold) 
# Summary of sample sizes: 799, 800, 801 
# Resampling results across tuning parameters:
#   usekernel  Accuracy   Kappa    
# FALSE      0.6533444  0.4422346
# TRUE      0.6633569  0.4185751

这个基本示例中会出现一些可忽略的警告,因为 V1 中只有很少的句子包含单词 "london"。我建议将该列用于情绪分析、术语频率/反向文档频率等。