AndroidX Camera Core ImageAnalysis.Analyser 导致图像失真

AndroidX Camera Core ImageAnalysis.Analyser results in distorted image

我正在使用 ImageAnalysis 库提取实时预览,然后进行条形码扫描和 OCR。

我对条形码扫描完全没有任何问题,但 OCR 导致了一些较弱的结果。我敢肯定这可能有几个原因。我目前尝试解决该问题的方法是将帧发送到 GCP - 在对帧进行 运行 OCR(或条形码)之前进行存储,以便批量查看它们。它们看起来都非常相似:

我最好的猜测是我处理帧的方式可能导致像素在缓冲区中的组织不正确(我对 Android 没有经验 - 抱歉)。意思不是组织 0,0 然后 0,1..... 它随机获取像素并将它们放在随机区域。我不知道这是在哪里发生的。一旦我可以查看图像质量,我就可以分析 OCR 的问题所在,但不幸的是,这是我目前的障碍。

额外说明:我正在将图像上传到 GCP - 存储甚至在 运行ning OCR 之前,所以为了看这个,我们可以忽略我所做的 OCR 声明 - 我只是想介绍一下背景。


private void startCamera() {
    //make sure there isn't another camera instance running before starting

    /* start preview */
    int aspRatioW = txView.getWidth(); //get width of screen
    int aspRatioH = txView.getHeight(); //get height
    Rational asp = new Rational (aspRatioW, aspRatioH); //aspect ratio
    Size screen = new Size(aspRatioW, aspRatioH); //size of the screen

    //config obj for preview/viewfinder thingy.
    PreviewConfig pConfig = new PreviewConfig.Builder().setTargetResolution(screen).build();
    Preview preview = new Preview(pConfig); //lets build it

            new Preview.OnPreviewOutputUpdateListener() {
                //to update the surface texture we have to destroy it first, then re-add it
                public void onUpdated(Preview.PreviewOutput output){
                    ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) txView.getParent();
                    parent.addView(txView, 0);


    /* image capture */

    //config obj, selected capture mode
    ImageCaptureConfig imgCapConfig = new ImageCaptureConfig.Builder().setCaptureMode(ImageCapture.CaptureMode.MAX_QUALITY)
    final ImageCapture imgCap = new ImageCapture(imgCapConfig);

    findViewById( View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            Log.d("image taken", "image taken");

    /* image analyser */

    ImageAnalysisConfig imgAConfig = new ImageAnalysisConfig.Builder().setImageReaderMode(ImageAnalysis.ImageReaderMode.ACQUIRE_LATEST_IMAGE).build();
    ImageAnalysis analysis = new ImageAnalysis(imgAConfig);

            Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(), new ImageAnalysis.Analyzer(){
                public void analyze(ImageProxy imageProxy, int degrees){
                    Log.d("analyze", "just analyzing");
                    if (imageProxy == null || imageProxy.getImage() == null) {
                    Image mediaImage = imageProxy.getImage();
                    int rotation = degreesToFirebaseRotation(degrees);
                    FirebaseVisionImage image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromBitmap(toBitmap(mediaImage));

                    if (!isMachineLearning){
                        Log.d("analyze", "isMachineLearning is about to be true");
                        isMachineLearning = true;
                        String haha = MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage(getContentResolver(), toBitmap(mediaImage), "image" , "theImageDescription");
                        Log.d("uploadingimage: ", haha);
                        extractBarcode(image, toBitmap(mediaImage));

    //bind to lifecycle:
    CameraX.bindToLifecycle(this, analysis, imgCap, preview);


FirebaseVisionBarcodeDetectorOptions options = new FirebaseVisionBarcodeDetectorOptions.Builder()

FirebaseVisionBarcodeDetector detector = FirebaseVision.getInstance().getVisionBarcodeDetector(options);

最后,当我将图像上传到 GCP - 存储时,它是这样的:

ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos); //bmp being the image that I ran barcode scanning on - as well as OCR
byte[] data = baos.toByteArray();

UploadTask uploadTask = storageRef.putBytes(data);

