emacs shell 无法处理 % 字符

emacs shell could not process % character

在 emacs shell 中,当我键入命令 "echo %" 时,emacs 将死机,当我取消命令时,Message 显示错误如下:

comint-simple-send-around: Format string ends in middle of format specifier

我调试错误,因为 Emacs 使用 format 函数,%% 可以用于 %,但仍然发送 shell 和 %% 字符。


(defun comint-simple-send-around (simle-function proc string)
  (dolist (item name-variable-map)
    (let ((name (car item))
          (value (symbol-value (cdr item))))
      (setq string (replace-regexp-in-string name value string))
  (message string)
  (funcall simle-function proc string)
(advice-add #'comint-simple-send :around #'comint-simple-send-around)


(message string)

其中 string 显然评估为 无效 格式字符串。

(message FORMAT-STRING &rest ARGS)
The first argument is a format control string, and the rest are data to be formatted under control of the string. Percent sign (%), grave accent (`) and apostrophe (') are special in the format; see `format-message' for details. To display STRING without special treatment, use (message "%s" STRING).