从 grpc 测试调用外部存根 class

Call external stub from grpc test class

我正在尝试使用存根调用 grpc 服务(原型存在于不同的 jar 文件中)。但是,当我尝试调用该服务时,我得到 原因是 io.grpc.statusruntimeexception 未找到未实现的方法 。同样在主 class 中工作正常,但在测试用例中却没有。

DeviceGroupServiceImplBase deviceService = Mockito.mock(DeviceGroupServiceImplBase.class, AdditionalAnswers.delegatesTo(新的 DeviceGroupServiceImplBase() { }));

public void createInProcessServerAndChannel() throws IOException {
    // Generate a unique in-process server name.
    String serverName = InProcessServerBuilder.generateName();

    // Create a server, add service, start, and register for automatic graceful
    // shutdown.

    // Create a client channel and register for automatic graceful shutdown.
    ManagedChannel channel = grpcCleanup

    // Create a DeviceGroupServiceClient using the in-process channel;
    groupStub = DeviceGroupServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel);

// Test case code
When("user calls getDevice with valid deviceUUID {string}", (String deviceUUID) -> {
    DeviceUuid request = DeviceUuid.newBuilder().setDeviceUuid(deviceUUID).build();
    DeviceGroup groupData = groupStub.getDeviceGroupByDeviceUuid(request);

您需要实现 getDeviceGroupByDeviceUuid,默认情况下它处于 returns 未实现状态。您可以验证它是否正在调用 ServerCall#asyncUnimplementedUnaryCall.

DeviceGroupServiceImplBase deviceService = 
      new DeviceGroupServiceImplBase() {
        public void getDeviceGroupByDeviceUuid(
            DeviceUuid request, StreamObserver<DeviceGroup> responseObserver) {
          // TODO: implement