2 向 FE 模型在 R 中给出 "empty model"

2-way FE model gives "empty model" in R

我正在尝试使用 plm 运行 R 中的 2 向固定效应模型。我正在尝试了解某个事件对市政当局公投投票的处理效果。

我想要 运行 具有市政和公投固定效应的模型。 每行或单位是一对市政*公投。


model_2fe <- plm(vote.ant.immig ~ pre.post, data = clean.df, effect = "twoways", index = c("municipality.code", "ref.code")) 


Error in plm.fit(data, model, effect, random.method, random.models, random.dfcor, : empty model


有人能帮帮我吗? 谢谢!


dat <- pdata.frame(<inputdata>, index = c("municipalitycode", "refcode"))

fml <- voteantimmig ~ prepost
mf <- model.frame(dat, fml)
modmat_2FE <- model.matrix(mf, model = "within", effect = "twoways")
all(abs(modmat_2FE) < 0.0000000000001) # TRUE
## look at your transformed data in modmat_2FE -> all zero -> empty model

## Analyse why this is the case, per individual, per time period:
modmat_FEi <- model.matrix(mf, model = "within", effect = "individual")
all(abs(modmat_FEi) < 0.0000000000001) # FALSE
## look at your transformed data in modmat_FEi
unique(modmat_FEi) # not so many different values
## look at your transformed data in modmat_FEi with individual and time index next to it: 
modmat_FEiindexes <- cbind(modmat_FEi, dat$municipalitycode, dat$refcode)
## => not much variation left within each individual. 

modmat_FEt <- model.matrix(mf, model = "within", effect = "time")
all(abs(modmat_FEt) < 0.0000000000001) # TRUE
## look at your transformed data in modmat_FEt -> all zero

完成@Helix123 上面讨论的另一种方法是为自治市 x 公投固定效应创建一个新的虚拟变量。

clean.df$muni_x_ref <- factor(paste(clean.df$municipality, clean.df$refcode, sep='X'))

然后您可以使用新的 muni_x_ref 变量对 prepost 进行制表。下面的前几行。您会看到对于每个市政当局 x 公投固定效应,您只有一个自变量实现。您的 fe 和自变量完全共线,并且没有变化来估计您的模型。我相信您需要重新考虑要估计的内容。

 table(clean.df$muni_x_refcode, df$prepost)

                            0 1
  AdlikonX5240              1 0
  AdlikonX5250              1 0
  AdlikonX5320              1 0
  AdlikonX5470              1 0
  AdlikonX5521              1 0
  AdlikonX5522              1 0
  AdlikonX5710              1 0
  AdlikonX5800              0 1
  AdlikonX5880              0 1
  AdlikonX5970              0 1
  AdlikonX6040              0 1
  AdlikonX6090              0 1
  Aeugst am AlbisX5240      1 0
  Aeugst am AlbisX5250      1 0
  Aeugst am AlbisX5320      1 0
  Aeugst am AlbisX5470      1 0
  Aeugst am AlbisX5521      1 0
  Aeugst am AlbisX5522      1 0
  Aeugst am AlbisX5710      1 0
  Aeugst am AlbisX5800      0 1
  Aeugst am AlbisX5880      0 1
  Aeugst am AlbisX5970      0 1
  Aeugst am AlbisX6040      0 1
  Aeugst am AlbisX6090      0 1
  Affoltern am AlbisX5240   1 0
  Affoltern am AlbisX5250   1 0
  Affoltern am AlbisX5320   1 0
  Affoltern am AlbisX5470   1 0
  Affoltern am AlbisX5521   1 0
  Affoltern am AlbisX5522   1 0
  Affoltern am AlbisX5710   1 0 ....

我发现这个 post 很有用,所以我会尽我所能提供信息,但它实际上是小插图的摘要,应该指导任何使用 plm 的人。请注意,您没有在 plm() 中包含为模型提供的输入,这显然是有问题的。


#note, no model input for plm()
model_2fe <- plm(vote.ant.immig ~ pre.post,
                 data = clean.df, 
                 effect = "twoways", 
                 index = c("municipality.code", "ref.code")) 

我们应该逐步进行,并确保我们符合 plm() 的 'p...' 的必要格式:

pform <- pFormula(vote.ant.immig ~ pre.post)
#then make the pdata.frame 
pclean.df <- pdata.frame(clean.df,index = c("municipalitycode", "refcode"))
#then make the df with necessary variables for/from pform (the formula) 
pmf.clean.df <- model.frame(pclean.df,pform)
#then make the design/model matrix "e.g., by expanding factors to a set of dummy variables (depending on the contrasts) and expanding interactions similarly" (quote from ?model.matrix).
pmodmat.fe <- model.matrix(pform,data=pmf.clean.df,  model = "within",effect = "twoways") 
#then check for linear dependence
#lastly, run the regression with fixed effects 
mod.fe <- plm(pform,

对我来说,当我在个人应用程序中使用它时,在 pdata.frame 中建立索引很有用,因为我可以节省很多时间。