
User defined type guards without passing a parameter

假设我有这些 类:

export abstract class AbstractSubjectChild<T extends Subject>
    protected parent: T | undefined;

    public hasParent()
        return this.parent != null;

    public setParent(parent: T): void
        this.parent = parent;

    public getParent(): T | undefined
        return this.parent;

class Child extends AbstractSubjectChild<Post>


const child = new Child();

if (child.hasParent()) {
    const post: Post = child.getParent();

有没有办法告诉 TS 编译器根据 hasParent() 结果推断类型,而不必到处显式使用 as Post

export abstract class AbstractSubjectChild<T extends Subject>
    protected _parent?: T;

    public set parent(parent: T): void
        this._parent = parent;

    public get parent(): T | undefined
        return this._parent;

这样写你的 class 你可以这样做:

if (child.parent) {
  const post = child.parent;
  // everywhere in this block scope is now aware of the type of post