
find out which sorting alogorithm used in this function


public void sortList() {  
        Node current = null, index = null;  
        int temp;  
        //Check whether list is empty  
        if(head == null) {  
        else {  
            //Current will point to head  
            for(current = head; current.next != null; current = current.next) {  
                //Index will point to node next to current  
                for(index = current.next; index != null; index = index.next) {  
                    //If current's data is greater than index's data, swap the data of current and index  
                    if(current.data > index.data) {  
                        temp = current.data;  
                        current.data = index.data;  
                        index.data = temp;  

顺便说一句是Doubly Link List

当前节点固定,然后从下一个节点开始迭代(通过索引变量),在外循环一次迭代结束时,current指向的节点有正确的值,则current为前进到下一个节点。 这是选择排序,最基本的排序

有趣的事实:虽然由于复杂性而慢 O(n^2) 选择排序可以在写入操作开销很大时使用,因为对于大小为 n

的列表,它最多只交换 n 次