
Matching strings loop over multiple columns

我有来自开放式调查的数据。我有评论 table 和代码 table。代码 table 是一组主题或字符串。

我想做什么: 检查代码 table 中相关列中是否存在单词/字符串在开放式评论中。在评论 table 中为特定主题添加一个新列,并用二进制 1 或 0 表示哪些记录已被标记。

代码 table 中有相当多的栏目,这些栏目是实时的并且不断变化,栏目顺序和栏目数量可能会发生变化。


我不知道如何让 lapply 与 stringi 函数一起工作。



#Two tables codes and comments
#codes table
codes <- structure(
    Support = structure(
      c(2L, 3L, NA),
      .Label = c("",
                 "help", "questions"),
      class = "factor"
    Online = structure(
        3L, 2L),
      .Label = c("activities", "discussion board", "quiz"),
      class = "factor"
    Resources = structure(
      c(3L, 2L, NA),
      .Label = c("", "pdf",
      class = "factor"
  row.names = c(NA,-3L),
  class = "data.frame"
#comments table
comments <- structure(
    SurveyID = structure(
      .Label = c("ID_1", "ID_2",
                 "ID_3", "ID_4", "ID_5"),
      class = "factor"
    Open_comments = structure(
        4L, 3L, 5L, 1L),
      .Label = c(
        "I could never get the pdf to download",
        "I didn’t get the help I needed on time",
        "my questions went unanswered",
        "staying motivated to get through the textbook",
        "there wasn’t enough engagement in the discussion board"
      class = "factor"
  class = "data.frame",
  row.names = c(NA,-5L)

#check if any words from the columns in codes table match comments

#here I am looking for a match column by column but looking for a better way - lappy?

support = paste(codes$Support, collapse = "|")
supp_stringi = stri_detect_regex(comments$Open_comments, support)
supp_grepl = grepl(pattern = support, x = comments$Open_comments)
identical(supp_stringi, supp_grepl)
comments$Support = ifelse(supp_grepl == TRUE, 1, 0)

# What I would like to do is loop through all columns in codes rather than outlining the above code for each column in codes

这是一种使用 string::stri_detect_regex()lapply() 的方法,根据 SupportOnlineResources 向量在注释中,并将此数据与注释合并。

# build data structures from OP

resultsList <- lapply(1:ncol(codes),function(x){
     y <- stri_detect_regex(comments$Open_comments,paste(codes[[x]],collapse = "|"))
     ifelse(y == TRUE,1,0)   

results <- as.data.frame(do.call(cbind,resultsList))
colnames(results) <- colnames(codes)
mergedData <- cbind(comments,results)


> mergedData
  SurveyID                                          Open_comments Support Online
1     ID_1                 I didn’t get the help I needed on time       1      0
2     ID_2          staying motivated to get through the textbook       0      0
3     ID_3                           my questions went unanswered       1      0
4     ID_4 there wasn’t enough engagement in the discussion board       0      1
5     ID_5                  I could never get the pdf to download       0      0
1         0
2         1
3         0
4         0
5         1

一个使用 base R 的衬垫:

comments[names(codes)] <- lapply(codes, function(x) 
            +(grepl(paste0(na.omit(x), collapse = "|"), comments$Open_comments)))

#  SurveyID                                          Open_comments Support Online Resources
#1     ID_1                 I didn’t get the help I needed on time       1      0         0
#2     ID_2          staying motivated to get through the textbook       0      0         1
#3     ID_3                           my questions went unanswered       1      0         0
#4     ID_4 there wasn’t enough engagement in the discussion board       0      1         0
#5     ID_5                  I could never get the pdf to download       0      0         1