
Fit model function out defined data range

假设我有一组数据 (x=times,y=observation),它们在时间上有多个间隔。无论数据趋势如何,在本次讨论中我们假设它是线性的。在时间间隔期间,存在使数据偏离纯线性趋势的衰减,直到再次开始观察并恢复线性趋势。 时间上有多个间隙,但在这个例子中我只报告了最短的快照来说明问题。时间间隔是(正)线性趋势之间的时间,其中没有可用的观测值,因此 连续 x=times 之间的差异(比)大得多,比方说,平均值。我想将衰减建模为函数的一部分 (y_decay = C -D*x)

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def f(x, A, B, C, D):
    line = A*x + B if ((x>=1) & (x<=3) | (x>=5) & (x<=9) | (x>=23) & (x<=25)) else C-D*x
    return line

x=[1,2,3, 12,13,14, 23,24,25]
y=[2,4,6, 5, 7, 9, 8, 10,12]
popt, pcov = curve_fit(f, x, y) 

figure = plt.figure(figsize=(5.15, 5.15))
plot = plt.subplot(111)
ax1 = plt.gca()


如何将 decay 变量建模为函数的一部分并获得其最佳拟合值?

当假设所有数据都具有相同的斜率 m 并且所有 "decay" 斜率 D

时,这就是我的 Ansatz
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ### only for plotting; not important for the OP
import numpy as np ### for easy data manipulation
from scipy.optimize import leastsq ### one of many possibilities for optimization

def generic_data( m, D, n ): ### just generating data; not important for OP
    alpha0 = 0
    timel = [ 0 ] ### to avoid errer, remove at the end
    dl = list()
    for gaps in range( n + 1 ): 
        for pnts in range( 3 + np.random.randint( 2 ) ): 
            timel.append ( timel[-1] +  0.5 + np.random.rand() )
            dl.append( m * timel[ -1 ] + alpha0 )
        ###now the gap
        dt =  2. + 2 * np.random.rand()
        timel.append ( timel[-1] + dt )
        dl.append( dl[-1] - D * dt )
        alpha0 = dl[-1] - m * timel[-1]
    del timel[0]
    ### remove jump of last gap
    del timel[-1]
    del dl[-1]
    dl = np.fromiter( ( y + np.random.normal( scale=0.1 ) for y in dl ), np.float )
    return np.array( timel ), dl

def split_into_blocks( tl, dl ):
    identifying the data blocks by detecting positions of negative slope.
    first subtract a shifted version of the data from itself
    find the negatives and get their positions
    get sub-lists based on this positins 
    mask = np.where( dl[1::] - dl[:-1:] < 0, 1, 0 )
    where = np.argwhere( mask )
    where = where.reshape( 1, len( where ) )[0]
    where = np.append( where, len( dl ) - 1 )
    where = np.insert( where, 0, -1 )
    tll = list()
    dll = list()
    for s, e in zip( where[ :-1:], where[ 1:: ] ):
        dll.append( dl[ s + 1 : e + 1 ] )
        tll.append( tl[ s + 1 : e + 1 ] )
    return np.array( tll ), np.array( dll )

def residuals( params, tblocks, dblocks ):
    typical residual function to be called by leastsq
    ### split parameters
    nob = len( tblocks )
    m = params[0] ### all data with same slope
    D = params[1] ### all decay with same slope
    alphal = params[2:2+nob] ### off sets differ
    betal = params[-nob+1::]
    out = list()
    ### evaluate diefference between data and test function
    for i, (tl, dl) in enumerate( zip(tblocks, dblocks ) ):
        diff = [ d - ( m * t + alphal[i] ) for t, d in zip( tl, dl ) ]
        out= out + diff
    ### evaluate differences for the gapfunction; this could be done
    ### completely independent, but I do it here to have all in one shot.
    for j in range( nob -1 ):
        out.append( dblocks[ j][-1] - ( betal[j] + D * tblocks[j][-1] ) ) ###left point gap
        out.append( dblocks[ j+1][0] - ( betal[j] + D * tblocks[j+1][0] ) ) ###right point gap
    return out

### create generic data
tl, dl =  generic_data( 1.3, .3, 3 )
tll, dll = split_into_blocks( tl, dl )

### and fit
nob = len(dll)
m0 = +1.0
D0 = -0.1
guess = [m0, D0 ]+ nob * [-3] + ( nob - 1 ) * [ +4 ]
sol, err = leastsq( residuals, x0=guess, args=( tll, dll ) )

mf = sol[0]
Df = sol[1]

print mf, Df
alphal = sol[2:2+nob]
betal = sol[-nob+1::]

### ... and plot
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( 1, 1, 1 )

###original data
ax.plot( tl, dl, ls='', marker='o')
###identify blocks
for a,b in zip( tll, dll ):
    ax.plot( a, b, ls='', marker='x')
###fit results
for j in range(nob):
    tloc = np.linspace( tll[j][0] - 0.3, tll[j][-1] + 0.3 , 3 )
    ax.plot( tloc, [ mf * t + alphal[j] for t in tloc ] )
for j in range(nob - 1):
    tloc = np.linspace( tll[j][-1] - 0.3, tll[j+1][0] + 0.3 , 3 )
    ax.plot( tloc, [ Df * t +betal[j] for t in tloc ] )


>> 1.2864142170851447 -0.2818180721270913

但是,该模型可能要求衰减线不与数据范围内的数据线交叉。这使得额外的摆弄变得必要,因为我们需要检查某种类型的边界。另一方面,可以只拟合数据并寻找具有满足前面提到的边界的最小可能斜率的衰减曲线。因此,在这种情况下,我将从残差中删除 D 拟合部分,稍后再计算。


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import leastsq

def data_func( x, x0, a, bc, off, p1, p2):
    fit function that uses modulus to get periodicity
    two linear functions are combines piecewise by boxing them
    using the heaviside function with the periodic input
    over all slope is added.
    Note that the "decay" part maybe positive with this solution.
    P1 = abs(p1)
    P2 = abs(p2)
    X = x - x0
    P= P1 + P2
    mod = X % P
    y0 = a * P1
    beta = y0 * P / P2
    slope = y0 / P2
    box1 =  np.heaviside( +np.abs( ( X - P1 / 2. ) % P - 0.5 * P ) - 0.5 * P2, .5 )
    box2 =  np.heaviside( -np.abs( ( X - P1 / 2. ) % P - 0.5 * P ) + 0.5 * P2, .5 )
    out = a * mod * box1 
    out += (beta - slope * mod  )* box2
    out += off + bc * X
    return out

def residuals( params, xl ,yl ):
    x0, a, bc, off, p1, p2 = params
    diff = np.fromiter( ( y - data_func( x, x0, a, bc, off, p1, p2 ) for x, y in zip( xl, yl )  ), np.float )
    return diff

theOff = 0.7
theP1= 1.8869
theP2 = 5.21163
theP = theP1 + theP2
xdata = np.linspace(-1, 26, 51 )
xdata = np.fromiter( ( x for x in xdata if (x-theOff)%theP <= theP1 ),np.float )
ydata = np.fromiter( ( data_func( x, theOff, .6, .1, 17, theP1, theP2) for x in xdata ),np.float )

tl = np.linspace(-1, 26, 150 )
yl = np.fromiter( ( data_func( x, theOff, .6, .1, 17, theP1, theP2) for x in tl ),np.float )

guess= [0, 0.55, .1, 16 , 2, 5 ]
sol, err = leastsq( residuals, guess, args = ( xdata, ydata ) )
print sol
### getting the real slopes out of the data
s1 = sol[1]+ sol[2] 
s2 =  - sol[1] * sol[4] / sol[5] + sol[2]
print "real slope1 = {}".format( s1 )
print "real slope2 = {}".format( s2 )

fit = np.fromiter( ( data_func( x, *sol ) for x in tl ),np.float )
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( 1, 1, 1 )

### original data
ax.plot( tl, yl, ls='--')
ax.plot( xdata, ydata, ls='', marker='+')
### fit
ax.plot( tl, fit )

### check the slopes
short = np.linspace(0, 3, 3)
ax.plot( short, [ 17 + s1 * s for s in short ] )
short = np.linspace(3, 10, 3)
ax.plot( short, [ 18 + s2 * s for s in short ] )



>> [ 0.39352332  0.59149625  0.10850375 16.78546632  1.85009228  5.35049099]
>> real slope1 = 0.7
>> real slope2 = -0.0960237685357

