
How to delete a particular time slot, from the difference between two dates

string StartDateString = "2020-04-20 18:05:07.6187";
DateTime StartDate = DateTime.Parse(StartDateString);

string EndDateString = "2020-04-22 14:10:00.6187";
DateTime EndDate = DateTime.Parse(EndDateString);

TimeSpan DifferenceStartDateEndDate = StartDate - EndDate;

现在我想从 DifferenceStartDateEndDate(1 天 20 小时 4 分钟)中删除晚上 10 点到早上 8 点之间的时间。 IE。我想删除从 StartDate 到 EndDate 的晚上 10 点到早上 8 点之间的时间。

据我了解,您只需将一天中业务活跃的小时数添加到您的计算中。 (08:00 - 22:00)


// For the first day in our calculation
// Start at 08:00 if the given date has an hour component that is earlier
static TimeSpan GetTill2200(DateTime date)
    if (date.Hour >= 22) return TimeSpan.Zero;
    if (date.Hour < 8) date = date.Date.AddHours(8);
    return date.Date.AddHours(22) - date;

// For the last day in our calculation
// End at 22:00 if the given date has an hour component that is later
static TimeSpan GetFrom0800(DateTime date)
    if (date.Hour < 8) return TimeSpan.Zero;
    if (date.Hour >= 22) date = date.Date.AddHours(22);
    return date - date.Date.AddHours(8);


// StartDate and EndDate variables as in your question.

TimeSpan result = GetTill2200(StartDate);

DateTime currentDate = StartDate.AddDays(1);
while (currentDate.Date < EndDate.Date)
    // Add 14 hours
    // Total: 17:54:52:3813
    result = result.Add(TimeSpan.FromHours(14));
    currentDate = currentDate.AddDays(1);

// returns 06:10:00.6187
// Total = 1.00:04:53 ( 1 days, 4 minutes, 53 seconds )
result = result.Add(GetFrom0800(EndDate));

// Prints 1.00:04:53