当事务中的任务使用 pg-promise 失败时如何回滚事务

How to rollback a transaction when a task in transaction fails with pg-promise


export const setThingAlertsInactive = (userID, thingIDs) => {
    return db.any(' UPDATE thing_alerts SET is_active = false WHERE IN (Select * from thing_alerts where user_id =  and thing_id IN (:csv))', [userID.toString(), thingIDs])

export const archiveOrRestoreThings = (thingIDs, archive) => {
    let archivedStatement =''
    if(archive === true){
        archivedStatement = 'archived = current_timestamp'
    } else if(archive === false){
        archivedStatement = 'archived = NULL'
    return db.none(`UPDATE things SET ${archivedStatement} WHERE id IN (:csv)`, [thingIDs])

我想 运行 将它们放在一起,这样如果一个失败,另一个就会回滚。事实上,我故意在第一个 SQL 查询中留下错误。

这是我的 tx 函数:

export const archiveOrRestoreThingsAndSetAlert = (userID, thingsIDs, archive) => {
    return db.tx((transaction) => {
        const queries = [archiveOrRestoreThings(thingIDs, archive), setThingAlertsInactive(userID, projectIDs)]
        return transaction.batch(queries)

第一个查询 运行s 并且有效。第二个失败了。在那种情况下,我需要能够将它们回滚。谢谢!

您需要将事务传递给 archiveOrRestoreThings 和 setThingAlertsInactive 并在事务上调用 .none 和 .any 而不是数据库。请参阅 example code 以供参考。

来自 pg-promise 的作者。


您可以更改它们以支持可选的 task/transaction 上下文:

export const setThingAlertsInactive = (userID, thingIDs, t) => {
    return (t || db).none(`UPDATE thing_alerts SET is_active = false WHERE
           IN (Select * from thing_alerts where user_id =  and thing_id IN (:csv))`,
           [userID.toString(), thingIDs]);

export const archiveOrRestoreThings = (thingIDs, archive, t) => {
    let archivedStatement = '';
    if(archive === true) {
        archivedStatement = 'archived = current_timestamp'
    } else if(archive === false) {
        archivedStatement = 'archived = NULL'
    return (t || db).none(`UPDATE things SET ${archivedStatement} WHERE id IN (:csv)`, 

并且没有必要使用 batch,这是一种遗留方法,仅在特殊情况下才需要:

export const archiveOrRestoreThingsAndSetAlert = (userID, thingsIDs, archive) => {
    return db.tx(async t => {
        await archiveOrRestoreThings(thingIDs, archive, t);
        await setThingAlertsInactive(userID, projectIDs, t);