Recovery behavior clears the obstacle layer
我正在将 RP-Lidar /scan 主题与导航堆栈中的 move_base 一起使用。虽然障碍层被参数化以从 /scan 主题获取 LaserScan 类型数据,但我收到消息 "Recover behavior will clear layer 'obstacles'"。我想提一下,UniTest 在 /scan 主题和 /odom 主题上运行良好。因此在我的 RVIZ 中,没有显示障碍物,规划者也没有考虑到它们以防止碰撞。 为了清楚起见,这是我的常用配置文件:
footprint: [ [-0.15,-0.15], [0.15,-0.15], [0.15,0.15], [-0.15,0.15] ]
transform_tolerance: 0.5
map_type: costmap
enabled: true
obstacle_range: 3.0
raytrace_range: 3.5
inflation_radius: 0.2
track_unknown_space: false
combination_method: 1
observation_sources: laser_scan_sensor
laser_scan_sensor: {sensor_frame: scanmatcher_frame, data_type: LaserScan, topic: /scan, marking: true, clearing: false}
enabled: true
cost_scaling_factor: 1.0
inflation_radius: 0.2
enabled: true
obstacle_range: 5.0
raytrace_range: 1.0
observation_sources: "/scan"
observation_persistence: 0.0
inf_is_valid: false
data_type: LaserScan
topic: scan
您的 observation_sources
应该是 scan
而不是 "/scan"
A list of observation source names separated by spaces. This defines each of the namespaces defined below. Each source_name in observation_sources defines a namespace in which parameters can be set:
~//topic (string, default: source_name)
The topic on which sensor data comes in for this source. Defaults to the name of the source.