
Shifting within a list when past end range?



是否有更 pythonic 的方法来实现此结果,以便它会移回开头并在移动超过列表范围末尾时继续移动?

while True:
    x = input("Enter the message you would like to encrypt via a Caeser shift; or type 'exit': ")
    if x == 'exit': break
    y = int(input("Enter the number by which you would like to have the message Caeser shifted: "))
    alphabet = list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
    encoded = ''
    for c in x:
        if c.lower() in alphabet:
            encoded += alphabet[alphabet.index(c)+y] if c.islower() else alphabet[alphabet.index(c.lower())+y].upper()
            encoded += c

如果你确实想这样做,那么最好的办法是使用模块化算法来计算 alphabet:

while True:
    x = input("Enter the message you would like to encrypt via a Caeser shift; or type 'exit': ")
    if x == 'exit': break
    y = int(input("Enter the number by which you would like to have the message Caeser shifted: "))
    alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    encoded = ''
    for c in x:
        if c.lower() in alphabet:
            i = (alphabet.index(c.lower()) + y) % 26
            encoded += alphabet[i] if c.islower() else alphabet[i].upper()
            encoded += c

一些注意事项:您不需要将字母表转换为列表:字符串也是可迭代的; dictionary 可能是更好的替代数据结构。

x = "message"
y = 10 # Caeser shift key
alphabet = list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
encoder = dict(zip(alphabet, alphabet[y:]+alphabet[:y])) 
encoded = "".join(encoder[c] for c in x)

这是我能写的最好的 pythonic 方式。您甚至不需要列表,因为每个字符都有一个预定义范围的 ASCII 值。随便玩玩吧。

def encrypt(text,key):
    return "".join( [  chr((ord(i) - 97 + key) % 26 + 97)  if (ord(i) <= 123 and ord(i) >= 97) else i for i in text] )

ord(i) 给你 ascii 值。 97 是 'a' 的值。所以 ord(i) - 97 与在列表中搜索 i 的索引相同。将键添加到它以移动。 chrord 相反,它将 ascii 值转换回字符。
