Mapbox iOS 避开高速公路/高速公路

Mapbox iOS Avoid Motorways / Highways

Mapbox 网络导航 API 支持避开高速公路 Link

这在 Mapbox iOS SDK 中是如何完成的?

Mapbox Navigation SDK for iOS uses Directions objects to provide directions between waypoints. You may provide a RouteOptions object to each Direction to specify criteria for the results returned by the Mapbox Directions API. As noted in the changelog for the SDK here, on the RouteOptions object there is a roadClassesToAvoid option where you can specify a RoadClass object to avoid, such as motorway. The source code for the motorway RoadClass can be found here,即:

public static let motorway = RoadClasses(rawValue: 1 << 3)

用于基本导航应用程序的 Nav SDK NavigationRouteOptions extends RouteOptions. So, to calculate directions avoiding motorways in your iOS app, you should specify the roadClassesToAvoid option on a NavigationRouteOptions passed to Directions.shared.calculate. This example 是一个很好的起点。