Why am I getting the error "Cannot drop the database 'test' because it is being used for replication. Error: 3724"?

Why am I getting the error "Cannot drop the database 'test' because it is being used for replication. Error: 3724"?

我删除了与数据库相关的所有发布和订阅'test'。我现在拥有的只是与服务器中其他数据库相关的发布和订阅。仍然,它说 "Cannot drop the database 'test' because it is being used for replication."

作为证据,这些是与另一个数据库相关的当前出版物 "Computers":

说明 "Cannot drop the database 'test' because it is being used for replication." 的消息是由于数据库仍标记为发布者。

select * 来自 sys.databases 其中 is_published = 1

删除所有发布后,是否可以通过 sp_removedbreplication 取消标记数据库为发布者 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/system-stored-procedures/sp-removedbreplication-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15