Python 中小浮点值的二进制表示

Binary representation of small float values in Python

如何将 1.942890293094024e-152.8665157186802404e-07 等小浮点值转换为 [=25] 中的二进制值=]?

我尝试了 GeeksforGeek's solution,但是,它不适用于这么小的值(我收到此错误:ValueError:以 10 为底的 int() 的无效文字:'1.942890293094024e- 15').


def float_bin(number, places = 3): 

    # split() seperates whole number and decimal  
    # part and stores it in two seperate variables 
    whole, dec = str(number).split(".") 

    # Convert both whole number and decimal   
    # part from string type to integer type 
    whole = int(whole) 
    dec = int (dec) 

    # Convert the whole number part to it's 
    # respective binary form and remove the 
    # "0b" from it. 
    res = bin(whole).lstrip("0b") + "."

    # Iterate the number of times, we want 
    # the number of decimal places to be 
    for x in range(places): 

        # Multiply the decimal value by 2  
        # and seperate the whole number part 
        # and decimal part 
        whole, dec = str((decimal_converter(dec)) * 2).split(".") 

        # Convert the decimal part 
        # to integer again 
        dec = int(dec) 

        # Keep adding the integer parts  
        # receive to the result variable 
        res += whole 

    return res 

# Function converts the value passed as 
# parameter to it's decimal representation 
def decimal_converter(num):  
  while num > 1: 
      num /= 10
  return num 

我看到的一个问题是 str(number).split(".")。在此之前我添加了一个简单的技巧:number = "{:30f}".format(number) 这样就没有 e 的数字了。不过,我不确定结果是否正确。

经过一番咨询,我发现一个很好的piece of code解决了我的问题。我只需要对其进行一些小调整(使其成为一个函数,删除自动输入请求等)。
