多个字段的 C# 不可变计数器

C# Immutable counter for multiple fields

我在消息计数器上有相当高的吞吐量(每秒数万条),我正在寻找一种有效的方法来获取计数,而不用在任何地方都加锁,或者理想情况下,当我给出一个消息时不锁定每条消息计数每 10 秒更新一次。



public class Counter
    public Counter(int quotes, int trades)
        Quotes = quotes;
        Trades = trades;

    readonly public int Quotes;
    readonly public int Trades;
    // and some other counter fields snipped


class MyProcessor
    System.Timers.Timer timer;
    Counter counter = new Counter(0,0);

    public MyProcessor()
       // update ever 10 seconds
       this.timer = new System.Timers.Timer(10000);

       timer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => {
          var quotesPerSecond = this.counter.Quotes / 10.0;
          var tradesPerSecond = this.counter.Trades / 10.0;
          this.Counter = new Counter(0,0);

    public void ProcessMessages(Messages messages)
       foreach(var message in messages) { /* */ }

       var oldCounter = counter;
       this.counter = new Counter(oldCounter.Quotes, oldCounter.Trades);   

我有很多计数器(未全部显示),所以这意味着在各个计数器字段上有很多单独的 Interlocked.Increment 调用。

我能想到的唯一其他方法是锁定 ProcessMessages 中的每个 运行(这将是广泛的)并且对于一些实用的东西来说很重,而不是关键的程序会崩溃。

当我们只需要每 10 秒更新一次时,是否可以在没有硬 interlocking/thread 机制的情况下以这种方式使用不可变计数器对象?


计时器线程是否可以为 ProcessMessages 设置一个标志以进行检查,如果它看到它已设置,则再次从零开始计数,即

/* snipped the MyProcessor class, same as before */

System.Timers.Timer timer;
Counter counter = new Counter(0,0);
ManualResetEvent reset = new ManualResetEvent(false);

public MyProcessor()
   // update ever 10 seconds
   this.timer = new System.Timers.Timer(10000);

   timer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => {
      var quotesPerSecond = this.counter.Quotes / 10.0;
      var tradesPerSecond = this.counter.Trades / 10.0;
      // log

// this should be called every second with a heartbeat message posted to queue
public void ProcessMessages(Messages messages)
   if (reset.WaitOne(0) == true)
      this.counter = new Counter(this.counter.Quotes, this.counter.Trades, this.counter.Aggregates);
      this.counter = new Counter(
                        this.counter.Quotes + message.Quotes.Count,
                        this.counter.Trades + message.Trades.Count);

/* end of MyProcessor class */

这可行,但是更新 "stalls" 当进程消息停止时(虽然吞吐量非常高,但它确实会在晚上暂停几个小时,理想情况下应该显示实际而不是最后一个值)。

解决此问题的一种方法是 post 每秒向 MyProcessor.ProcessMessages() 发送一条心跳消息,以强制内部更新消息计数器并在 reset ManualResetEvent 为设置。

以下是 Counter class 的三种新方法。一种用于从特定位置读取最新值,一种用于安全地更新特定位置,一种用于根据现有值轻松创建新的 Counter

public static Counter Read(ref Counter counter)
    return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref counter, null, null);

public static void Update(ref Counter counter, Func<Counter, Counter> updateFactory)
    var counter1 = counter;
    while (true)
        var newCounter = updateFactory(counter1);
        var counter2 = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref counter, newCounter, counter1);
        if (counter2 == counter1) break;
        counter1 = counter2;

public Counter Add(int quotesDelta, int tradesDelta)
    return new Counter(Quotes + quotesDelta, Trades + tradesDelta);


Counter latest = Counter.Read(ref this.counter);

Counter.Update(ref this.counter, existing => existing.Add(1, 1));

多个线程并发直接访问MyProcessor.counter字段不是线程安全的,因为它既不是volatile nor protected by a lock. The above methods are safe to use because they are accessing the field through interlocked操作。


一切都由 DequeueThread 循环驱动,特别是 this.queue.ReceiveAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(UpdateFrequencySeconds)) 函数。

这将从队列中 return 一个项目,处理它并更新计数器,或者超时然后更新计数器 - 没有其他线程涉及所有事情,包括更新消息速率,在内部完成线程。



internal class Counter
    public Counter(Action<int,int,int,int> updateCallback, double updateEvery)
        this.updateCallback = updateCallback;
        this.UpdateEvery = updateEvery;

    public void Poll()
        if (nextUpdate < DateTimeOffset.UtcNow)
            // post the stats, and reset
            this.updateCallback(this.quotes, this.trades, this.aggregates, this.statuses);
            this.quotes = 0;
            this.trades = 0;
            this.aggregates = 0;
            this.statuses = 0;
            nextUpdate = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddSeconds(this.UpdateEvery);

    public void AddQuotes(int count) => this.quotes += count;
    public void AddTrades(int count) => this.trades += count;
    public void AddAggregates(int count) => this.aggregates += count;
    public void AddStatuses(int count) => this.statuses += count;

    private int quotes;
    private int trades;
    private int aggregates;
    private int statuses;

    private readonly Action<int,int,int,int> updateCallback;
    public double UpdateEvery { get; private set; }
    private DateTimeOffset nextUpdate;

public class DeserializeWorker
    private readonly BufferBlock<byte[]> queue = new BufferBlock<byte[]>();
    private readonly IPolygonDeserializer polygonDeserializer;
    private readonly ILogger<DeserializeWorker> logger;

    private readonly Counter counter; 
    const double UpdateFrequencySeconds = 5.0;        
    long maxBacklog = 0;

    public DeserializeWorker(IPolygonDeserializer polygonDeserializer, ILogger<DeserializeWorker> logger)
        this.polygonDeserializer = polygonDeserializer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(polygonDeserializer));
        this.logger = logger;
        this.counter = new Counter(ProcesCounterUpdateCallback, UpdateFrequencySeconds);

    public void Add(byte[] data)

    public Task Run(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
        return Task
                    async () => await DequeueThread(stoppingToken),

    private async Task DequeueThread(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
        while (stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested == false)
                var item = await this.queue.ReceiveAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(UpdateFrequencySeconds), stoppingToken);
                await ProcessAsync(item);
            catch (TimeoutException)
                // this is ok, timeout expired 
                break; // task cancelled, break from loop
            catch (Exception e)


        await StopAsync();

    protected async Task StopAsync()
        await this.queue.Completion;

    protected void ProcessStatuses(IEnumerable<Status> statuses)
        Parallel.ForEach(statuses, (current) =>
            if (current.Result != "success")
                this.logger.LogInformation($"{current.Result}: {current.Message}");

    protected void ProcessMessages<T>(IEnumerable<T> messages)
        Parallel.ForEach(messages, (current) =>
            // serialize by type T
            // dispatch

    async Task ProcessAsync(byte[] item)
            var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(item);
            var message = await this.polygonDeserializer.DeserializeAsync(memoryStream);

            var messagesTask = Task.Run(() => ProcessStatuses(message.Statuses));
            var quotesTask = Task.Run(() => ProcessMessages(message.Quotes));
            var tradesTask = Task.Run(() => ProcessMessages(message.Trades));
            var aggregatesTask = Task.Run(() => ProcessMessages(message.Aggregates));


            Task.WaitAll(messagesTask, quotesTask, aggregatesTask, tradesTask);                                
        catch (Exception e)

    void UpdateCounters()
        var currentCount = this.queue.Count;
        if (currentCount > this.maxBacklog)
            this.maxBacklog = currentCount;


    void ProcesCounterUpdateCallback(int quotes, int trades, int aggregates, int statuses)
        var updateFrequency = this.counter.UpdateEvery;
            $"Queue current {this.queue.Count} (max {this.maxBacklog }), {quotes / updateFrequency} quotes/sec, {trades / updateFrequency} trades/sec, {aggregates / updateFrequency} aggregates/sec, {statuses / updateFrequency} status/sec");