如何正确使用Jenkins Warnings Next Generation Plugin的三个步骤?

How to use the three steps of Jenkins Warnings Next Generation Plugin properly?

Jenkins 警告下一代插件的 documentation 管道指定了三个步骤变体:


stage('QA checks') {
    steps {
            enabledForFailure: true,
            tools: [php()]

并在构建页面上显示结果 ("PHP Runtime: No warnings")。但是另外两步的意义是什么?


stage('QA checks') {
    steps {

为了同样的问题来到这里。从文档中找出来。 https://github.com/jenkinsci/warnings-ng-plugin/blob/master/doc/Documentation.md

总而言之,recordIssues 命令旨在单独用于简单的用例,而 scanForIssuespublishIssues 命令旨在一起用于更复杂的用例。

所以您对 recordIssues 的用法似乎完全符合作者的意图。


Advanced Pipeline configuration

Sometimes publishing and reporting issues using a single step is not sufficient. E.g., if you build your product using several parallel steps and you want to combine the issues from all of these steps into a single result. Then you need to split scanning and aggregation. The plugin provides the following two steps:

  • scanForIssues: this step scans a report file or the console log with a particular parser and creates an intermediate AnnotatedReport object that contains the report. [...]
  • publishIssues: this step publishes a new report in your build that contains the aggregated results of several scanForIssues steps. [...]


官方Jenkins step documentation is also a great place to have a look on the Warnings NG plugin. The following examples are from the Warnings NG Github repo.

publishIssues: Publish issues created by a static analysis scan

publishIssues issues: [checkstyle]

recordIssues: Record compiler warnings and static analysis results

recordIssues enabledForFailure: true, aggregatingResults: true, tool: checkStyle(pattern: 'checkstyle-result.xml')

scanForIssues: Scan files or the console log for warnings or issues

scanForIssues tool: checkStyle(pattern: '**/target/checkstyle-result.xml')

以下示例应显示 scanForIssuespublishIssues 之间的区别。

sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn --batch-mode -V -U -e checkstyle:checkstyle pmd:pmd pmd:cpd findbugs:findbugs"

def checkstyle = scanForIssues tool: checkStyle(pattern: '**/target/checkstyle-result.xml')
publishIssues issues: [checkstyle]