Epson ESCPOS 使用 ESC R n 命令打印丹麦字符
Epson ESCPOS print Danish character using ESC R n command
我使用的是 Epson TM-T20II 热敏收据打印机,我需要打印带有丹麦语字符 (æ,ø,å) 的收据。对用于字符语言选择的 ESCPOS 代码进行了描述 here。我的 Python 代码如下
import win32print
import six
#create some raw data
rawdata = b'\x1b\x40' #Instantiate the printer ESC @
rawdata = rawdata + b'\x1b\x52\x10' #Select the Danish II character set as in documentation ESC R
where n = 10
rawdata = bytes('Print æ,ø,å', 'utf-8') + b'\n' + b'\x1d\x56' + six.int2byte(66) + b'\x00' #print
some text and cut
#Creating the printing job in Windows 10 and send the raw text to the printer driver
printer = win32print.OpenPrinter('EPSON TM-T20II Receipt')
hJob = win32print.StartDocPrinter(printer, 1, ("Test print", None, "RAW"))
win32print.WritePrinter(printer, rawdata)
我的问题是打印出一些奇怪的字符。我还通过按住进纸按钮并打开打印机电源将打印机设置为 Danish II。我错过了什么?
目前,您可能想尝试将下面的编码规范从 utf-8 更改为 cp865。
rawdata = bytes('Print æ,ø,å', 'utf-8') + b'\n' + b'\x1d\x56' + six.int2byte(66) + b'\x00' #print
如果这不起作用,您应该停止使用 win32print 并切换到 pyserial。
还需要切换打印机模式,卸载Advanced Printer Driver,安装打印机串口驱动
然后应用程序需要使用原始 ESC/POS 命令创建所有打印数据。
您可以在此处获取TM-T20II 的高级打印机驱动程序以及手册和示例程序。
EPSON Advanced Printer Driver for TM-T20II
根据示例程序"Step 1 Printing Device Font",为了向打印机发送原始ESC/POS 命令,需要select 特定的设备字体。
Prints "Hello APD" with a device font and autocuts a receipt.
CDC dc;
* Create the device context for the printer
AfxMessageBox(_T("Printer is not available."));
* Perform the printing of the text
CFont font, *old;
font.CreatePointFont(95, "FontA11", &dc);
old = dc.SelectObject(&font);
dc.TextOut(20, 10, "Hello APD!");
这是 VB 中的样子。
Dim printFont As New Font("Lucida Console", 8, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point) ' Substituted to FontA Font
e.Graphics.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Point
' Print the string at 6,4 location using FontA font.
e.Graphics.DrawString("Hello APD!", printFont, Brushes.Black, 6, 4)
' Indicate that no more data to print, and the Print Document can now send the print data to the spooler.
e.HasMorePages = False
将这些移植到 Python 的 win32print 不是很难或不可能吗?
win32print API 似乎没有能力在打印过程中自定义字体。
Module win32print
Note that the printer driver might ignore the requested data type.
Suitable for copying raw Postscript or HPGL files to a printer.
ESC/POS 命令不是原始 PostScript 或 HPGL,EPSON 的高级打印机驱动程序不一定会通过 win32print 调用发送此类数据。
我使用的是 Epson TM-T20II 热敏收据打印机,我需要打印带有丹麦语字符 (æ,ø,å) 的收据。对用于字符语言选择的 ESCPOS 代码进行了描述 here。我的 Python 代码如下
import win32print
import six
#create some raw data
rawdata = b'\x1b\x40' #Instantiate the printer ESC @
rawdata = rawdata + b'\x1b\x52\x10' #Select the Danish II character set as in documentation ESC R
where n = 10
rawdata = bytes('Print æ,ø,å', 'utf-8') + b'\n' + b'\x1d\x56' + six.int2byte(66) + b'\x00' #print
some text and cut
#Creating the printing job in Windows 10 and send the raw text to the printer driver
printer = win32print.OpenPrinter('EPSON TM-T20II Receipt')
hJob = win32print.StartDocPrinter(printer, 1, ("Test print", None, "RAW"))
win32print.WritePrinter(printer, rawdata)
我的问题是打印出一些奇怪的字符。我还通过按住进纸按钮并打开打印机电源将打印机设置为 Danish II。我错过了什么?
目前,您可能想尝试将下面的编码规范从 utf-8 更改为 cp865。
rawdata = bytes('Print æ,ø,å', 'utf-8') + b'\n' + b'\x1d\x56' + six.int2byte(66) + b'\x00' #print
如果这不起作用,您应该停止使用 win32print 并切换到 pyserial。
还需要切换打印机模式,卸载Advanced Printer Driver,安装打印机串口驱动
然后应用程序需要使用原始 ESC/POS 命令创建所有打印数据。
您可以在此处获取TM-T20II 的高级打印机驱动程序以及手册和示例程序。
EPSON Advanced Printer Driver for TM-T20II
根据示例程序"Step 1 Printing Device Font",为了向打印机发送原始ESC/POS 命令,需要select 特定的设备字体。
Prints "Hello APD" with a device font and autocuts a receipt.
CDC dc; /* * Create the device context for the printer */ if(! dc.CreateDC(EPS_DRIVER_NAME, EPS_PRINTER_NAME, NULL, NULL) ) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Printer is not available.")); return; } dc.StartDoc(&di); /* * Perform the printing of the text */ CFont font, *old; font.CreatePointFont(95, "FontA11", &dc); old = dc.SelectObject(&font); dc.TextOut(20, 10, "Hello APD!"); dc.SelectObject(old); font.DeleteObject(); dc.EndPage(); dc.EndDoc(); dc.DeleteDC();
这是 VB 中的样子。
Dim printFont As New Font("Lucida Console", 8, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point) ' Substituted to FontA Font e.Graphics.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Point ' Print the string at 6,4 location using FontA font. e.Graphics.DrawString("Hello APD!", printFont, Brushes.Black, 6, 4) ' Indicate that no more data to print, and the Print Document can now send the print data to the spooler. e.HasMorePages = False
将这些移植到 Python 的 win32print 不是很难或不可能吗?
win32print API 似乎没有能力在打印过程中自定义字体。
Module win32print
Note that the printer driver might ignore the requested data type.
Suitable for copying raw Postscript or HPGL files to a printer.
ESC/POS 命令不是原始 PostScript 或 HPGL,EPSON 的高级打印机驱动程序不一定会通过 win32print 调用发送此类数据。