
A state mutation was detected inside a dispatch: Even with toolkit


    setTimerState(state, { payload }: PayloadAction<{ timer: StepTimer, timerState: CookingTimerState }>) {
      const { timer, timerState } = payload
      const timerInStore = state.stepTimers
        .find(t => t.timerId === timer.timerId)!
      timerInStore.state = timerState

Error: Invariant failed: A state mutation was detected inside a dispatch, in the path: cookingSession.stepTimers.0.state. Take a look at the reducer(s) handling the action {"type":"session/setTimerState","payload":{"timer":{"label":"Dance","durationSec":600,"stepIndex":0,"timerId":0,"state":2},"timerState":2}}

我认为 Redux 工具包允许您进行这种状态更改。 是因为我的 StepTimer 是 class 对象而不是 POJO 吗?

正确。只有原始值、对象和数组被认为是可序列化的,class 个实例不是。

根据 Redux 风格指南,you shouldn't be putting class instances in your state