我想将 vue-i18n 用于带有 v-for 的 vuetify 导航栏 ...(帮助)

I want to use vue-i18n for vuetify navigation bar with v-for ... (help)


<v-navigation-drawer v-model="drawer" clipped app>
        <v-list dense>
            <span v-for="navitem in navitems" :key="navitem.subtitle">
                <v-subheader v-if="navitem.subtitle">{{ navitem.subtitle }}</v-subheader>
                <span v-if="navitem.subitem">
                    <v-list-group :prepend-icon="navitem.icon" v-model="navitem.active">
                        <template v-slot:activator>
                            <v-list-item-title>{{ navitem.title }}</v-list-item-title>
                        <span v-for="subitem in navitem.subitems" :key="subitem">
                            <span v-if="subitem.miniitems">
                                <v-list-group sub-group>
                                    <template v-slot:activator>
                                            <v-list-item-title style="margin-left:10px">{{ this.$i18n.$t('subitem.title') }}

                                    <span v-if="subitem.mini">
                                        <span v-for="mini in subitem.miniitems" :key="mini">
                                            <v-list-item router link :to="mini.routes">
                                                <!-- don't remove this -->
                                                    <!-- <v-icon>{{ mini.name }}</v-icon> -->
                                                <v-list-item-title v-text="mini.title"></v-list-item-title>
                            <span v-else>
                                <v-list-item sub-group router link :to="subitem.routes">
                                        <v-list-item-title v-text="subitem.title" style="margin-left: 57px;">
                <span v-else>
                    <v-list-item router link :to="navitem.routes">
                            <v-icon>{{ navitem.icon }}</v-icon>
                        <v-list-item-title>{{ navitem.title }}</v-list-item-title>


navitems: [{
                    icon: 'dashboard',
                    title: 'Dashboard',
                    subtitle: 'Pages',
                    active: false,
                    subitem: true,
                    routes: '',
                    subitems: [{
                        title: 'Default',
                        active: true,
                        mini: true,
                        routes: '/',
                    }, {
                        title: 'Analytics',
                        active: true,
                        routes: '/dashboardanalytics',
                    }, {
                        title: 'Ecommerce',
                        active: true,
                        routes: '/dashboardecommerce',
                    }, {
                        title: 'Social',
                        active: true,
                        routes: '/dashboardsocial',
                    }, {
                        title: 'Crypto',
                        active: true,
                        routes: '/dashboardcrypto',
                }, {
                    icon: 'library_books',
                    title: 'Pages',
                    active: false,
                    subitem: true,
                    subitems: [{
                        title: 'Profile',
                        routes: '/profile'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Settings',
                        routes: '/settings'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Clients',
                        routes: '/clients'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Projects',
                        active: true,
                        routes: '',
                        mini: true,
                        miniitems: [{
                            title: 'List',
                            routes: '/list'
                        }, {
                            title: 'Detail',
                            routes: '/detail'

                    }, {
                        title: 'Invoice',
                        active: true,
                        routes: '/invoice'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Pricing',
                        active: true,
                        routes: '/pricing'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Tasks',
                        active: true,
                        routes: '/tasks'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Chat',
                        active: true,
                        routes: '/chat'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Blank Page',
                        active: true,
                        routes: '/blank-page'
                }, {
                    icon: 'group',
                    title: 'Auth',
                    active: false,
                    subitem: true,
                    routes: '',
                    subitems: [{
                            title: 'Sign In',
                            routes: '/signin',
                            active: true
                            title: 'Sign Up',
                            routes: '/signup',
                            active: true
                            title: 'Reset Password',
                            routes: '/reset-password',
                            active: true
                            title: '404 Page',
                            routes: '/404',
                            active: true
                            title: '500 Page',
                            routes: '/500',
                            active: true
                }, {
                    icon: 'import_contacts',
                    title: 'Documentation',
                    active: false,
                    subitem: true,
                    subitems: [{
                            title: 'Introduction',
                            routes: '/introduction',
                            title: 'Getting Started',
                            routes: '/getting-started',
                        }, {
                            title: 'Plugins',
                            routes: '/plugins'
                        }, {
                            title: 'Changelog',
                            routes: '/changelog'
                }, {
                    icon: 'layers',
                    title: 'UI Elements',
                    subtitle: 'Tool & Components',
                    subitem: true,
                    active: false,
                    subitems: [{
                        title: 'Alerts',
                        routes: '/alerts'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Buttons',
                        routes: '/buttons'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Cards',
                        routes: '/cards'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Carousel',
                        routes: '/carousel'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Embed Video',
                        routes: '/embed-video'
                    }, {
                        title: 'General',
                        routes: '/general'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Grid',
                        routes: '/grid'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Modals',
                        routes: '/modals'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Tabs',
                        routes: '/tabs'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Typography',
                        routes: '/typography'
                }, {
                    icon: 'favorite',
                    title: 'Icons',
                    subitem: true,
                    active: false,
                    subitems: [{
                        title: 'Matrial Design Icon',
                        routes: '/mtd'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Font Awesome 5',
                        routes: '/FA5'
                }, {
                    icon: 'done',
                    title: 'Forms',
                    subitem: true,
                    active: false,
                    subitems: [{
                        title: 'Layouts',
                        routes: '/layouts'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Basic Inputs',
                        routes: '/basic-inputs'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Input Groups',
                        routes: '/input-groups'
                }, {
                    icon: 'table_chart',
                    title: 'Tables',
                    routes: '/table'
                }, {
                    icon: 'check_box',
                    title: 'Form Plugins',
                    subtitle: 'Plugin & Addons',
                    subitem: true,
                    active: false,
                    subitems: [{
                        title: 'Advanced Inputs',
                        routes: '/advanced-inputs'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Editors',
                        routes: '/editors'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Validation',
                        routes: '/validation'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Wizard',
                        routes: '/wizard'

我想使用 i18n 来显示要国际化的可见文本(标题、文本)....但我目前无法提供任何帮助....我正在使用 i18n.js

const messages = {
    'us': {
        dashboard: 'Dashboard',
        profile: 'Profile',
        analytics: 'Analytics',
        settings: 'Settings',
        help: 'Help',
        signout: 'Sign Out',
    'np': {
        dashboard: 'ड्यासबोर्ड',
        profile: 'प्रोफाइल',
        analytics: 'विश्लेषण',
        settings: 'सेटिंग्स',
        help: 'मद्दत',
        signout: 'साइन आउट गर्नुहोस्',

const i18n = new VueI18n({
    locale: 'us', // set locale
    fallbackLocale: 'np', // set fallback locale
    messages, // set locale messages

export default i18n;

我知道他们现在只是来自这里数据的仪表板,但我不知道我能做些什么来翻译标题和文本...我试过 {{ $t('navitem.subtitle') }}但不要认为那会奏效...我尝试过其他方法但不会奏效....

我实现了一个 Vuetify <navigation-drawer>,它从 Vue Router 加载它的路由,并用 Vue i18n in this codepen 翻译它们。我没有实现你所有的路线,但它应该足以让你开始。

这是我的国际化翻译。 (如果我有一些尼泊尔语错误,请原谅我!!我使用了 Google 翻译。)需要注意的关键是我使用 'en' 而不是 'us' 作为语言。虽然 'en-us' 可能是有效的语言代码,但我不确定 'us' 是否正确。

const i18n = new VueI18n({
  locale: 'en',
  fallbackLocale: 'np',
  messages: {
    'en': {
      analytics: 'Analytics',
      dashboard: 'Dashboard',
      detail: 'Detail',
      ecommerce: 'E-Commerce',
      list: 'List',
      pages: 'Pages',
      profile: 'Profile',
      projects: 'Projects',
      'select-language': 'Select language',
      settings: 'Settings',
    'np': {
      analytics: 'विश्लेषण',
      dashboard: 'ड्यासबोर्ड',
      detail: 'विवरण',
      ecommerce: 'e- वाणिज्य',
      list: 'सूची',
      pages: 'पृष्ठहरु',
      profile: 'प्रोफाइल',
      projects: 'प्रोजेक्टहरू',
      'select-language': 'भाषा छनोट गर्नुस',
      settings: 'सेटिंग्स',

接下来,这是作为 Vue 路由器实例实现的导航项。请注意,我 NOT 为每条路线添加了 component 属性,但您需要在自己的应用中这样做。另请注意,对于 icon 属性,我使用了 Vuetify 内置的 material design icons

const router = new VueRouter({
  routes: [
      name: 'dashboard',
      path: '/dashboard',
      meta: {
        icon: 'mdi-view-dashboard',
      children: [
          name: 'analytics',
          path: '/analytics',
          meta: {
            icon: 'mdi-finance',
          name: 'ecommerce',
          path: '/ecommerce',
          meta: {
            icon: 'mdi-store',
      name: 'pages',
      path: '/pages',
      meta: {
        icon: 'mdi-book-open-variant',
      children: [
          name: 'settings',
          path: '/settings',
          meta: {
            icon: 'mdi-cogs',
          name: 'projects',
          path: '/projects',
          meta: {
            icon: 'mdi-briefcase',
          children: [
              name: 'list',
              path: '/list',
              meta: {
                icon: 'mdi-format-list-bulleted',
              name: 'detail',
              path: '/detail/:id',
              meta: {
                icon: 'mdi-file-document',
      name: 'profile',
      path: '/profile',
      meta: {
        icon: 'mdi-account-circle',

要将这些合并到您的应用程序中,您的主 Vue 实例应该像这样实例化:

new Vue({
  vuetify: new Vuetify(),
  render: h => h(App),


<v-navigation-drawer permanent>
  <v-toolbar color="primary" dark prominent>
    <p class="overline">{{ $t('select-language') }}:</p>
        <v-radio label="नेपाल" value="np"></v-radio>
        <v-radio label="English" value="en"></v-radio>
  <v-list dense expand nav>
    <template v-for="route in $router.options.routes">
          <v-icon>{{ route.meta.icon }}</v-icon>
        <v-list-item-title>{{ $t(route.name) }}</v-list-item-title>
        <template #activator>
            <v-icon>{{ route.meta.icon }}</v-icon>
            {{ $t(route.name) }}
        <template v-for="child in route.children">
            :to="route.path + child.path"
              <v-icon v-text="child.meta.icon" />
              {{ $t(child.name) }}
            <template #activator>
                  <v-icon>{{ child.meta.icon }}</v-icon>
                  {{ $t(child.name) }}
            <template v-for="grandchild in child.children">
                :to="route.path + child.path + grandchild.path"
                <v-list-item-title>{{ $t(grandchild.name) }}</v-list-item-title>
                  <v-icon>{{ grandchild.meta.icon }}</v-icon>
