如何将 SwiftUI ForEach 与字典一起使用 [ customEnum : customStrut ] - 出现 "conform to 'RandomAccessCollection'" 错误

How use use SwiftUI ForEach with a dictionary [ customEnum : customStrut ] - getting "conform to 'RandomAccessCollection'" error

我怎样才能从失败的构建中更正此代码?基本上想使用 ForEach 遍历基于 [ customEnum : customStrut ] 的字典。

否则,如果这有问题,是否可以通过其他方式实现 SwiftUI 支持?


Referencing initializer 'init(_:id:content:)' on 'ForEach' requires that '[GCFilterViewOptions.FilterOptions : GCFilterViewOptions.FilterOptionValues]' conform to 'RandomAccessCollection'

Type '(key: GCFilterViewOptions.FilterOptions, value: GCFilterViewOptions.FilterOptionValues)' cannot conform to 'Hashable'; only struct/enum/class types can conform to protocols


import SwiftUI

struct GCFilterViewOptions: View {
    enum FilterOptions {
        case NewLine
        case Comma
        case Space
    struct FilterOptionValues {
        var title : String
        var selected : Bool
    var filterSelections : [FilterOptions : FilterOptionValues] = [
        FilterOptions.NewLine : FilterOptionValues(title: "New Line", selected: true),
        FilterOptions.Comma : FilterOptionValues(title: "Comma", selected: true),
        FilterOptions.Space : FilterOptionValues(title: "Space", selected: false)

    var body : some View {
        HStack {
            ForEach(filterSelections, id:\.self) { filterOption in.  // ** ERRORS HERE **
                // Will be putting checkboxes here - i.e. so can chose which ones 

由于 states 字典不是 "random access" 可收集的,因此不能直接在 ForEach 中使用,这里是可能的方法

HStack {
    ForEach(Array(filterSelections.keys.enumerated()), id:\.element) { _, key in
        Text("TBD \(self.filterSelections[key]?.title ?? "")")
        // Will be putting checkboxes here - i.e. so can chose which ones

ForEach 循环仅支持支持 RandomAccess 的数据结构(Apple 关于什么是 RandomAccessCollection 的文档很棒)。

如果你真的不需要字典结构,你可以使用一个简单的结构。这与您的基本相同,但枚举嵌套在其中并且是 属性:

struct FilterOption {
    enum FilterOptionType {
        case newLine
        case comma
        case space

    var type: FilterOptionType
    var title: String
    var selected: Bool

var filterSelection: [FilterOption] = [
    FilterOption(type: .newLine, title: "New line", selected: true),
    FilterOption(type: .comma, title: "Comma", selected: false),
    FilterOption(type: .space, title: "Space", selected: true),


enum FilterOption: String {
    case newLine
    case comma
    case space
struct FilterOptionValue {
    var title: String
    var selected: Bool
var filterSelection: [FilterOption: FilterOptionValue] = [
    .newLine: FilterOptionValue(title: "New Line", selected: true),
    .comma: FilterOptionValue(title: "Comma", selected: true),
    .space: FilterOptionValue(title: "Space", selected: false)

// Guarantees a stable print order
for option in filterSelection.keys.sorted(by: { [=11=].rawValue < .rawValue }) {
    let optionValue = filterSelection[key]!
    print(option, optionValue)

请注意,在 Swift 中,枚举大小写与属性一样都是小写的。只有类型以大写字母开头(newLine,而不是 NewLine)。

此外,枚举类型名称应该是单数的,因为在实例化时它们只代表一个选项。使用 FilterOption 而不是 FilterOptions.

filterSelections 相同,应该是单数,因为选择已经包含多个元素。