
Ignore all warnings from a module

我在使用 librosa python 模块时遇到一些问题。它在导入时向我显示以下警告。

/opt/anaconda3/envs/pox/lib/python3.6/site-packages/librosa/util/decorators.py:9: NumbaDeprecationWarning: An import was requested from a module that has moved location.
Import of 'jit' requested from: 'numba.decorators', please update to use 'numba.core.decorators' or pin to Numba version 0.48.0. This alias will not be present in Numba version 0.50.0.
  from numba.decorators import jit as optional_jit

因为我的代码似乎工作正常,所以我只想不再显示此警告(我试图修复它,但我做不到)。 我试过像这样使用警告模块

import librosa
import warnings

但显示相同的警告。 (我正在使用 anaconda python 的 3.6 虚拟环境)


import warnings
from numba.errors import NumbaPerformanceWarning
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=NumbaPerformanceWarning)


import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)