
trouble getting collision point


我无法访问我在其他帖子中看到的联系点。碰撞中的 CCContactSet 只给我点数和正常值。

我在碰撞开始时输出法线及其 (1.0, -0.0) 左壁,(-0.0, 1.0) 底壁,(-1.0, 0.0) 右壁,(-0.0, -1.0 ) 顶墙。我基本上不了解他们。我知道他们只是指的是第二个 hullPiece,因为无论我在碰撞过程中如何旋转或定位助推器,结果都保持不变。只有当我旋转 hullPiece 时它们才会改变。


newSprite = CCSprite(imageNamed: "Booster.png")
newSprite.position = CGPoint(x: 200, y: 200)
newSprite.scale = 4.0
let spritePhysics = CCPhysicsBody(rect: newSprite.textureRect, cornerRadius: 0)
spritePhysics.collisionType = "booster"
spritePhysics.sensor = true
newSprite.physicsBody = spritePhysics

newSprite2 = CCSprite(imageNamed: "HullPiece.png")
newSprite2.position = CGPoint(x: 200, y: 200)
newSprite2.scale = 4.0
let spritePhysics2 = CCPhysicsBody(rect: newSprite2.textureRect, cornerRadius: 0)
spritePhysics2.collisionType = "hull"
spritePhysics2.sensor = true
newSprite2.physicsBody = spritePhysics2

func ccPhysicsCollisionBegin(pair: CCPhysicsCollisionPair!, booster: CCNode!, hull: CCNode!) -> ObjCBool
    NSLog("contact point\(pair.contacts.count) \(pair.contacts.normal)")
    return true

您可以通过 CCPhysicsCollisionPaircontacts 属性 访问联系点。

contacts 结构如下所示:

typedef struct CCContactSet {
    /// The number of contact points in the set.
    /// The count will always be 1 or 2.
    int count;

    /// The normal of the contact points.
    CGPoint normal;

    /// The array of contact points.
    struct {
        /// The absolute position of the contact on the surface of each shape.
        CGPoint pointA, pointB;

        /// Penetration distance of the two shapes.
        /// The value will always be negative.
        CGFloat distance;
    } points[2];
} CCContactSet;
