检查 ArrayList 中 Object 变量的方法
Method to check a Object's variables within an ArrayList
我在使用 ArrayList object 创建以下两种方法时遇到问题:
existTextbook():检查给定的教科书是否在目录中。 existTextbook() 接受标题和作者以及 returns true 或 false。如果教科书在目录中,则为真,否则为假。
deleteTexbook(): 从目录中删除教科书。 deleteTextbook() 接受教科书标题作为参数,如果教科书存在则将其删除。
搜索 Java API,我能找到的第一个方法最接近的方法是 contains 方法,但它需要一个 object 作为参数,而不是字符串 object 在教科书 object 中,如标题或作者。以ArrayList的一个object为参数的第二种方法的remove方法也是如此。
关于如何查看每个教科书的方法的任何提示 object 字符串标题或作者,如果找到匹配项,则 return 为真,或者删除教科书 object包含教科书 object 字符串标题或作者?
package Ex1;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
public class Textbook
private String category, title, author;
private int year;
private double price;
public Textbook (String category, String title, String author, int year,
double price)
this.category = category;
this.title = title;
this.author = author;
this.year = year;
this.price = price;
public String toString()
NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
String description;
description = "Category: " + category + "\n";
description += "Title: " + title + "\n";
description += "Author: " + author + "\n";
description += "Year: " + year + "\n";
description += "Price: " + fmt.format(price) + "\n" + "\n";
return description;
package Ex1;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Catalogue
private ArrayList <Textbook> catalogue;
public Catalogue ()
catalogue = new ArrayList<Textbook>();
public void addTextbook (Textbook t)
public boolean existTextbook(String title, String author)
public void deleteTextbook(String title)
public String toString()
return catalogue.toString();
Driver Class
package Ex1;
public class Drivermain
public static void main(String[] args)
Textbook javaBook = new Textbook ("Computer Science",
"Java Software Solutions", "Lewis/Loftus", 2015, 163.45);
Textbook dataBook = new Textbook ("Computer Science",
"Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java,",
"Mark A. Weiss", 2015, 181.90);
Textbook calcBook = new Textbook ("Mathematics",
"Calculus Plus NEW MyMathLab", "Briggs/Cochran/Gillett",
2015, 236.90);
Textbook osBook = new Textbook ("Computer Science",
"Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles",
"William Stallings", 2015, 205.70);
Textbook historyBook = new Textbook ("History",
"History of the Canadian Peoples: Beginnings to 1867, Vol. 1",
"Conard/Finkel/Fyson", 2015, 96.90);
Catalogue bookCatalogue = new Catalogue();
bookCatalogue.existTextbook("Java Software Solutions", "Lewis/Loftus");
bookCatalogue.deleteTextbook("Java Software Solutions");
您可以考虑自己循环遍历目录 ArrayList 并测试当前 object 是否与标题(和作者)匹配,而不是直接使用这些方法。
这可能有点矫枉过正,但你可以让教科书实现 Comparable or write a Comparator.
我认为与其使用集合中的方法,不如自己处理 Arraylist 中的查找。
我没有使用 for each 循环(只是一个 for 循环),因为删除它会导致并发修改异常。
package Ex1;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Catalogue
private ArrayList <Textbook> catalogue;
public Catalogue ()
catalogue = new ArrayList<Textbook>();
public void addTextbook (Textbook t)
public boolean existTextbook(String title, String author)
for(int i =0; i<catalogue.Size(); i++){
Textbook t = catalogue.get(i);
//you'll want getter and setter methods
return truel
public void deleteTextbook(String title)
for(int i =0; i<catalogue.Size(); i++){
Textbook t = catalogue.get(i);
public String toString()
return catalogue.toString();
我在使用 ArrayList object 创建以下两种方法时遇到问题:
existTextbook():检查给定的教科书是否在目录中。 existTextbook() 接受标题和作者以及 returns true 或 false。如果教科书在目录中,则为真,否则为假。
deleteTexbook(): 从目录中删除教科书。 deleteTextbook() 接受教科书标题作为参数,如果教科书存在则将其删除。
搜索 Java API,我能找到的第一个方法最接近的方法是 contains 方法,但它需要一个 object 作为参数,而不是字符串 object 在教科书 object 中,如标题或作者。以ArrayList的一个object为参数的第二种方法的remove方法也是如此。
关于如何查看每个教科书的方法的任何提示 object 字符串标题或作者,如果找到匹配项,则 return 为真,或者删除教科书 object包含教科书 object 字符串标题或作者?
package Ex1;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
public class Textbook
private String category, title, author;
private int year;
private double price;
public Textbook (String category, String title, String author, int year,
double price)
this.category = category;
this.title = title;
this.author = author;
this.year = year;
this.price = price;
public String toString()
NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
String description;
description = "Category: " + category + "\n";
description += "Title: " + title + "\n";
description += "Author: " + author + "\n";
description += "Year: " + year + "\n";
description += "Price: " + fmt.format(price) + "\n" + "\n";
return description;
package Ex1;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Catalogue
private ArrayList <Textbook> catalogue;
public Catalogue ()
catalogue = new ArrayList<Textbook>();
public void addTextbook (Textbook t)
public boolean existTextbook(String title, String author)
public void deleteTextbook(String title)
public String toString()
return catalogue.toString();
Driver Class
package Ex1;
public class Drivermain
public static void main(String[] args)
Textbook javaBook = new Textbook ("Computer Science",
"Java Software Solutions", "Lewis/Loftus", 2015, 163.45);
Textbook dataBook = new Textbook ("Computer Science",
"Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java,",
"Mark A. Weiss", 2015, 181.90);
Textbook calcBook = new Textbook ("Mathematics",
"Calculus Plus NEW MyMathLab", "Briggs/Cochran/Gillett",
2015, 236.90);
Textbook osBook = new Textbook ("Computer Science",
"Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles",
"William Stallings", 2015, 205.70);
Textbook historyBook = new Textbook ("History",
"History of the Canadian Peoples: Beginnings to 1867, Vol. 1",
"Conard/Finkel/Fyson", 2015, 96.90);
Catalogue bookCatalogue = new Catalogue();
bookCatalogue.existTextbook("Java Software Solutions", "Lewis/Loftus");
bookCatalogue.deleteTextbook("Java Software Solutions");
您可以考虑自己循环遍历目录 ArrayList 并测试当前 object 是否与标题(和作者)匹配,而不是直接使用这些方法。 这可能有点矫枉过正,但你可以让教科书实现 Comparable or write a Comparator.
我认为与其使用集合中的方法,不如自己处理 Arraylist 中的查找。
我没有使用 for each 循环(只是一个 for 循环),因为删除它会导致并发修改异常。
package Ex1;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Catalogue
private ArrayList <Textbook> catalogue;
public Catalogue ()
catalogue = new ArrayList<Textbook>();
public void addTextbook (Textbook t)
public boolean existTextbook(String title, String author)
for(int i =0; i<catalogue.Size(); i++){
Textbook t = catalogue.get(i);
//you'll want getter and setter methods
return truel
public void deleteTextbook(String title)
for(int i =0; i<catalogue.Size(); i++){
Textbook t = catalogue.get(i);
public String toString()
return catalogue.toString();