如何为 SparkFun ESP32 Thing 打补丁/配置 nodemcu 版本

How to patch / configure a nodemcu build for SparkFun ESP32 Thing

我一直在为 8266 模块使用 nodemcu-build,并在几个项目中取得了成功。

我一直在尝试使用 SparkFun ESP32 Thing 使用 ESP32 的 beta 版 nodemcu-build 复制相同的开发环境。

构建完成后,下载构建似乎已成功刷入 ESP32 Thing。但是之后 它显示以下错误消息:

rtc_clk_init: Possibly invalid CONFIG_ESP32_XTAL_FREQ setting (40MHz). Detected 26 MHz

根据我的研究,SparkFun 似乎使用 26MHz xtals 构建这些模块,但标准是 40 MHz。错误消息向我表明 ESP32 的 nodemcu-build 假定为 40MHz xtal。

有什么办法可以通过补丁来配置不同的频率。 I found a reverse situation where the problem was to patch a 26MHz generated binary to run at 40MHz.


Is there any way to patch to configure for the different frequency.


详细回答:是的,但是你必须自己构建固件。相关配置参数记录在 ESP-IDF 编程指南 https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/stable/api-reference/kconfig.html#config-esp32-xtal-freq-sel

Main XTAL frequency

Found in: Component config > ESP32-specific

ESP32 currently supports the following XTAL frequencies:

  • 26 MHz
  • 40 MHz

Startup code can automatically estimate XTAL frequency. This feature uses the internal 8MHz oscillator as a reference. Because the internal oscillator frequency is temperature dependent, it is not recommended to use automatic XTAL frequency detection in applications which need to work at high ambient temperatures and use high-temperature qualified chips and modules.

除非您计划非常频繁地构建固件二进制文件,否则我建议您试试我的 Docker 构建映像:https://github.com/marcelstoer/docker-nodemcu-build/