Github actions actions/checkout@v2 lfs: true 标志不将指针转换为实际文件

Github actions actions/checkout@v2 lfs: true flag not converting pointers to actual files

这是我的 github 操作 yml 文件:

name: CI

on: [pull_request]

    name: Set up
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}

        os: [self-hosted]
        node-version: [10.x]

      - name: Checkout github repo (+ download lfs dependencies)
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          lfs: true

运行后我希望所有 git lfs 文件都被下载、检出并准备好使用,但文件的内容是这样的:

oid sha256:f23e4c2b1244bc93085dbccf17c447e54sca44650294648df128d58303e4eff
size 58951008

下面我附上了实际的 github 操作日志以防有用:

Run actions/checkout@v2
    lfs: true
    repository: SudoPlz/test-project-mobile
    token: ***
    ssh-strict: true
    persist-credentials: true
    clean: true
    fetch-depth: 1
    submodules: false
Syncing repository: SudoPlz/test-project-mobile
Getting Git version info
  Working directory is '/Users/sudoplz/Development/tmp/actions-runner/_work/test-project-mobile/test-project-mobile'
  /usr/bin/git version
  git version 2.24.1 (Apple Git-126)
  /usr/bin/git lfs version
  git-lfs/2.8.0 (GitHub; darwin amd64; go 1.12.7)
/usr/bin/git config --local --get remote.origin.url
Removing previously created refs, to avoid conflicts
  /usr/bin/git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name --verify --quiet HEAD
  /usr/bin/git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name --branches
  /usr/bin/git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name --remotes=origin
Cleaning the repository
  /usr/bin/git clean -ffdx
  Removing .jest/
  Removing node_modules/
  Removing patchLog.txt
  /usr/bin/git reset --hard HEAD
  HEAD is now at 21bea25da Merge ab95479fd7dce51551520250ac521532d0079f94 into c70ec18b35029c581b0c0e06566228f69e091d3d
Disabling automatic garbage collection
  /usr/bin/git config --local 0
Setting up auth
  /usr/bin/git config --local --name-only --get-regexp core\.sshCommand
  /usr/bin/git submodule foreach --recursive git config --local --name-only --get-regexp 'core\.sshCommand' && git config --local --unset-all 'core.sshCommand' || :
  /usr/bin/git config --local --name-only --get-regexp http\.https\:\/\/github\.com\/\.extraheader
  /usr/bin/git submodule foreach --recursive git config --local --name-only --get-regexp 'http\.https\:\/\/github\.com\/\.extraheader' && git config --local --unset-all 'http.' || :
  /usr/bin/git config --local http. AUTHORIZATION: basic ***
/usr/bin/git lfs install --local
Updated git hooks.
Git LFS initialized.
Fetching the repository
  /usr/bin/git -c protocol.version=2 fetch --no-tags --prune --progress --no-recurse-submodules --depth=1 origin +d4be6d58e6a72e54b0b03be61fc508dcee8d7bec:refs/remotes/pull/44/merge
  remote: Enumerating objects: 10, done.        
  remote: Counting objects:  10% (1/10)        
  remote: Counting objects:  20% (2/10)        
  remote: Counting objects:  30% (3/10)        
  remote: Counting objects:  40% (4/10)        
  remote: Counting objects:  50% (5/10)        
  remote: Counting objects:  60% (6/10)        
  remote: Counting objects:  70% (7/10)        
  remote: Counting objects:  80% (8/10)        
  remote: Counting objects:  90% (9/10)        
  remote: Counting objects: 100% (10/10)        
  remote: Counting objects: 100% (10/10), done.        
  remote: Compressing objects:  33% (1/3)        
  remote: Compressing objects:  66% (2/3)    
  remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3)        
  remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.        
  remote: Total 5 (delta 2), reused 2 (delta 0), pack-reused 0        
   + 21bea25da...d4be6d58e d4be6d58e6a72e54b0b03be61fc508dcee8d7bec -> pull/44/merge  (forced update)
Determining the checkout info
Fetching LFS objects
  /usr/bin/git lfs fetch origin refs/remotes/pull/44/merge
  fetch: Fetching reference refs/remotes/pull/44/merge
Checking out the ref
  /usr/bin/git checkout --progress --force refs/remotes/pull/44/merge
  Warning: you are leaving 1 commit behind, not connected to
  any of your branches:

    21bea25da Merge ab95479fd7dce51551520250ac521532d0079f94 into c70ec18b35029c581b0c0e06566228f69e091d3d

  If you want to keep it by creating a new branch, this may be a good time
  to do so with:

   git branch <new-branch-name> 21bea25da

  HEAD is now at d4be6d58e Merge 8d05f53305eaef70a2d4635767b39dbfbe663b5a into c70ec18b35029c581b0c0e06566228f69e091d3d
/usr/bin/git log -1
commit d4be6d58e6a72e54b0b03be61fc508dcee8d7bec
Author: SudoPlz <*@*.*>
Date:   Fri Apr 24 18:38:50 2020 +0000

    Merge 8d05f53305eaef70a2d4635767b39dbfbe663b5a into c70ec18b35029c581b0c0e06566228f69e091d3d

LFS 对象似乎只能根据日志获取。您需要检出 LFS 文件,以便将指针文件替换为对应的 LFS 文件。这是基于对 GitHub 操作(以前从未使用过)的搜索修改 actions.yml 的尝试:

name: CI

on: [pull_request]

    name: Set up
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}

        os: [self-hosted]
        node-version: [10.x]

      - name: Checkout github repo (+ download lfs dependencies)
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          lfs: true
      - name: Checkout LFS objects
        run: git lfs checkout

如果LFS对象还没有被抓取,那么你可以用git lfs pull替换git lfs checkout

相关问题:Cache for LFS