使用生成器函数作为 WeakMap 的值时出错

Error using a generator function as value of a WeakMap

我正在自己构建一个链表。我试图在构造函数中将生成器分配为 key/value WeakMap 的值。 _iterator 是一个 WeakMap,因为它是我想用来对我的数据结构进行简单迭代的私有成员,但我不想让生成器在外部可见,否则我会破坏抽象。但是我有错误SyntaxError: missing ( before formal parameters。有什么问题?

  class Node{
        this.value = value;
        this.next = null;

  //IIFE function that return the class. 
  const SingleLinkedList = (() => { //Here use IIFE to create a new block scope for private variables
     let _counts = new WeakMap();
     let _head = new WeakMap();
     let _tail = new WeakMap();
     let _iterator = new WeakMap();

     class SingleLinkedList {
        constructor() {
           _counts.set(this, 0);
           _head.set(this, null);
           _tail.set(this, null);
           let instance = this;//closure
           _iterator.set(this,(function* [Symbol.iterator](){
              let n=_head.get(instance);
                 yield n;
                 n = n.next;

        get counts() { //read only get accessor property
           return _counts.get(this);

        isEmpty() {
           return !this.counts;  //or return !_head.get(this)

        //insert a new Node (in tail) with the desired value
        push(value) {
           let n = new Node(value);
           if (this.isEmpty()) 
              _head.set(this, n);
           else {
              let tail = _tail.get(this); //tail is a pointer to the node-tail
              tail.next = n; //old tail-node will point to new node

           //the following instructions are common to both the cases.
           _tail.set(this, n); //set new tail
           _counts.set(this, this.counts+1); //increment item counter

           return this; //to allow multiple push call

        //Generator to return the values

           let n = _head.get(this); 
              yield n.value;
        //the the values of each node
        print() {
           let output = "";
           for(let el of this)
              output += `${el} `;
     return SingleLinkedList;

  let myLinkedList = new SingleLinkedList();

  /*for(let x of myLinkedList)

函数表达式不能有计算名称,该语法只允许在对象字面量成员或 class 成员上使用,因此请像这样定义 SingleLinkedList 的构造函数:

constructor() {
  _counts.set(this, 0);
  _head.set(this, null);
  _tail.set(this, null);
  let instance = this;//closure
  _iterator.set(this, function* (){
// remove the computed name ---^
    let n=_head.get(instance);
      yield n;
      n = n.next;

也许更有用的是知道将来如何调试语法错误,这样您就不需要再问这样的问题了。如果按 F12 打开开发人员控制台,您会看到如下所示的日志:

单击 link 它将直接带您到错误位置:

只是为了好玩,这是我建议的重写,使用 ECMAScript 的一些更现代的功能,如 private fields:

class Node {
  next = null;

  constructor (value) {
    this.value = value;

class SingleLinkedList {
  #size = 0;
  #head = null;
  #tail = null;

  // read only get accessor property
  get size () {
    return this.#size;

  isEmpty () {
    return this.#size === 0;

  // insert a new Node (in tail) with the desired value
  push (value) {
    const node = new Node(value);

    if (this.isEmpty()) {
      this.#head = node;
    } else {
      this.#tail.next = node;

    // the following instructions are common to both the cases.
    this.#tail = node;

    // to allow multiple push call
    return this;

  // generator to return the values
  *[Symbol.iterator] () {
    for (let current = this.#head; current; current = current.next) {
      yield current.value;

  // the the values of each node
  toString () {
    return [...this].join(' ');

const myLinkedList = new SingleLinkedList();