How to access an entity within an entity in twig
在我的控制器中,我 return 实体以便我的树枝模板可以像这样使用它:
return $this->render('review/index.html.twig',[
"list" => $applications
是 return 我要查找的对象的查询:
$applications = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(ApplicationQueue::class)->findBy(
array("assignment_mod_user" => $this->getUser()->getId())
在我的树枝中,我使用转储功能来查看它是否正在检索我要查找的内容。这就是 returned:
{% for application in list %}
{% endfor %}
当数据已经被推送时,如何访问 twig 中实体中的实体?当前输出returns的误差为:
Neither the property "application" nor one of the methods "application()", "getapplication()"/"isapplication()"/"hasapplication()" or "__call()" exist and have public access in class "App\Entity\ApplicationQueue".
{{ application.application.name }}
查看 twig 文档:
{% for user in users %}
<li>{{ user.username|e }}</li>
{% endfor %}
您需要添加访问器以获取 $application 的值。此 属性 当前无法从 ApplicationQueue class 外部访问。
class ApplicationQueue
protected $application;
public function getApplication(): CreatorApplication
return $this->application;
在我的控制器中,我 return 实体以便我的树枝模板可以像这样使用它:
return $this->render('review/index.html.twig',[
"list" => $applications
是 return 我要查找的对象的查询:
$applications = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(ApplicationQueue::class)->findBy(
array("assignment_mod_user" => $this->getUser()->getId())
在我的树枝中,我使用转储功能来查看它是否正在检索我要查找的内容。这就是 returned:
{% for application in list %}
{% endfor %}
当数据已经被推送时,如何访问 twig 中实体中的实体?当前输出returns的误差为:
Neither the property "application" nor one of the methods "application()", "getapplication()"/"isapplication()"/"hasapplication()" or "__call()" exist and have public access in class "App\Entity\ApplicationQueue".
{{ application.application.name }}
查看 twig 文档:
{% for user in users %}
<li>{{ user.username|e }}</li>
{% endfor %}
您需要添加访问器以获取 $application 的值。此 属性 当前无法从 ApplicationQueue class 外部访问。
class ApplicationQueue
protected $application;
public function getApplication(): CreatorApplication
return $this->application;