
Unable calculate to get follow set

一段时间以来,我一直在尝试计算语法的后续集,并且 运行 遇到了另一个问题。这是我的跟随集计算器:

def gen_follow_set(grammar, start_sym, first_sets):
    follow_sets = {nterm: set() for nterm in grammar}
    for _, prods in grammar.items():
        for alt in prods:
            for item in alt:
                if item.isupper():
                    follow_sets[item] = set()
    while True:
        changes = copy.deepcopy(follow_sets)
        for nterm, prods in grammar.items():
            for alt in prods:
                for i, item in enumerate(alt):
                    la = alt[i + 1] if i + 1 != len(alt) else nterm
                    if i == len(alt) - 1 and item != "":
                        follow_sets[item] |= follow_sets[nterm]
                    elif item != "":
                        if "" in first_sets[la]:
                            follow_sets[item] |= first_sets[la].union(
                                first_sets[alt[i + 2] if i + 2 <= len(alt) -
                                           1 else nterm]) - {""}
                            follow_sets[item] |= first_sets[la]
        if changes == follow_sets:
            return follow_sets


grammar = {
    "expr": [["term", "etail"]],
    "term": [["LPAREN", "expr", "RPAREN"], ["INT", "ttail"]],
    "etail": [["PLUS", "expr"], [""]],
    "ttail": [["TIMES", "term"], [""]]
first = calc_first_set(...)
pprint.pprint(gen_follow_set(grammar, "expr", first))


Working on: term ; la has epsilon; la: etail
Working on: etail ; it is at the end of the production: expr
Working on: LPAREN ; la doesn't have epsilon; la: expr
Working on: expr ; la doesn't have epsilon; la: RPAREN
Working on: RPAREN ; it is at the end of the production: term
Working on: INT ; la has epsilon; la: ttail
Working on: ttail ; it is at the end of the production: term
Working on: PLUS ; la doesn't have epsilon; la: expr
Working on: expr ; it is at the end of the production: etail
Working on: TIMES ; la doesn't have epsilon; la: term
Working on: term ; it is at the end of the production: ttail
Working on: term ; la has epsilon; la: etail
Working on: etail ; it is at the end of the production: expr
Working on: LPAREN ; la doesn't have epsilon; la: expr
Working on: expr ; la doesn't have epsilon; la: RPAREN
Working on: RPAREN ; it is at the end of the production: term
Working on: INT ; la has epsilon; la: ttail
Working on: ttail ; it is at the end of the production: term
Working on: PLUS ; la doesn't have epsilon; la: expr
Working on: expr ; it is at the end of the production: etail
Working on: TIMES ; la doesn't have epsilon; la: term
Working on: term ; it is at the end of the production: ttail
Working on: term ; la has epsilon; la: etail
Working on: etail ; it is at the end of the production: expr
Working on: LPAREN ; la doesn't have epsilon; la: expr
Working on: expr ; la doesn't have epsilon; la: RPAREN
Working on: RPAREN ; it is at the end of the production: term
Working on: INT ; la has epsilon; la: ttail
Working on: ttail ; it is at the end of the production: term
Working on: PLUS ; la doesn't have epsilon; la: expr
Working on: expr ; it is at the end of the production: etail
Working on: TIMES ; la doesn't have epsilon; la: term
Working on: term ; it is at the end of the production: ttail
{'INT': {'INT', 'TIMES', 'LPAREN'},
 'PLUS': {'INT', 'LPAREN'},
 'TIMES': {'INT', 'LPAREN'},
 'etail': {'$', 'RPAREN'},
 'expr': {'$', 'RPAREN'},
 'term': {'INT', 'LPAREN', 'PLUS'},
 'ttail': {'INT', 'LPAREN', 'PLUS'}}

etailexpr 是正确的,但是 termttail 是不正确的。我怎样才能得到正确的答案?

每当非终结符 N 出现在产生式中时

M → α N β


  1. FIRST(α) ⊂ FOLLOW(N)

  2. 如果 β 可以为空,则 FOLLOW(M) ⊂ FOLLOW(N)

如果 β 为空(即 N 在生产结束时)或如果 β 中的第一个符号不可为空,则您的代码可以正常工作。在其余情况下,您的代码有错误:

  • 如果 β 中的第一个符号可以为空,则将 FIRST(β) 计算为 β 中前两个符号的 FIRST 集合的并集。由于您从不检查第二个(或后续)符号是否可为空,因此您可能会错过 FIRST(β) 中的符号。

  • 仅测试下一个符号的可空性的另一个结果是您不计算 NULLABLE(β);相反,您使用 β 中第一个符号的可空性。所以你可能会错过 FOLLOW(M) 中的符号。


  • 如果您的(不充分的)测试表明 β 可以为空,则使用 FIRST(M) 而不是 FOLLOW(M)

  • 一个密切相关的问题是 la 的计算,如果已经达到生产结束,它会建议 term 作为下一个符号。这将导致使用 FIRST(term) 而不是 FOLLOW(term),但当然这永远不会发生,因为如果 N 在生产结束。既然如此,la其实是没有必要的。