如何获取 sqflite Flutter 数据库的正确路径?

How to get the correct path for sqflite Flutter database?

我正尝试在 Android 上使用 Flutter 创建本地数据库。我最初创建了一个具有特定目录的目录,该目录运行良好,然后我从设备(不是 AVD)中卸载了应用程序然后当我尝试使用新文件路径目录创建数据库时,我得到了这个期望:

Exception has occurred.
SqfliteDatabaseException (DatabaseException(near ")": syntax error (Sqlite code 1 SQLITE_ERROR): , while compiling: CREATE TABLE KPoint (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,subject INTEGER,module INTEGER,type TEXT,definition TEXT,), **(OS error - 2:No such file or directory))** sql 'CREATE TABLE KPoint (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,subject INTEGER,module INTEGER,type TEXT,definition TEXT,)' args []})

(OS 错误 - 2:No 这样的文件或目录))

这是我的 init 块,它首先在单例中运行:

import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
      initDB() async {
        Directory documentsDirectory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
        String path = join(documentsDirectory.path, "database.db");
        return await openDatabase(
          version: 1,
          onOpen: (db) {},
          onCreate: (Database db, int version) async {
            print('Creating db...');
            await db.execute("CREATE TABLE KPoint ("
                "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"
                "subject INTEGER,"
                "module INTEGER,"
                "type TEXT,"
                "definition TEXT,"
          onUpgrade: (db, oldVersion, newVersion) {
            print('Upgrade has been called...');

我需要将什么目录路径传递给 openDatabase(..) 是可以接受的?



"definition TEXT,"

"definition TEXT"