如何使用自定义 HttpClientHandler 配置单元 test/dependency 注入依赖于 HttpClient 的 class

How to unit test/dependency inject a class reliant on HttpClient with a custom HttpClientHandler configuration

我正在寻找 关于如何改进我当前设计的建议 以测试 class(下面的示例)取决于 HttpClient自定义 HttpClientHandler 配置。我通常使用构造函数注入来注入在整个应用程序中保持一致的 HttpClient,但是因为这是在 class 库中,所以我不能依赖库的使用者正确设置 HttpClientHandler

为了测试,我遵循在 HttpClient 构造函数中替换 HttpClientHandler 的标准方法。因为我不能依赖库的使用者来注入有效的 HttpClient 我没有把它放在 public 构造函数中,而是使用带有内部静态方法的私有构造函数( CreateWithCustomHttpClient()) 来创建它。这背后的意图是:


我包含 DownloadSomethingAsync() 方法只是为了演示为什么 HttpClientHandler 需要非标准配置。重定向响应的默认设置是在不返回响应的情况下自动在内部重定向,我需要重定向响应,以便我可以将其包装在报告下载进度的 class 中(该功能与此问题无关).

public class DemoClass
    private static readonly HttpClient defaultHttpClient = new HttpClient(
            new HttpClientHandler
                AllowAutoRedirect = false

    private readonly ILogger<DemoClass> logger;
    private readonly HttpClient httpClient;

    public DemoClass(ILogger<DemoClass> logger) : this(logger, defaultHttpClient) { }

    private DemoClass(ILogger<DemoClass> logger, HttpClient httpClient)
        this.logger = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger));
        this.httpClient = httpClient ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(httpClient));

    [Obsolete("This is only provided for testing and should not be used in calling code")]
    internal static DemoClass CreateWithCustomHttpClient(ILogger<DemoClass> logger, HttpClient httpClient)
        => new DemoClass(logger, httpClient);

    public async Task<FileSystemInfo> DownloadSomethingAsync(CancellationToken ct = default)
        // Build the request
        logger.LogInformation("Sending request for download");
        HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, "http://example.com/downloadredirect");

        // Send the request
        HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.SendAsync(request, ct);

        // Analyse the result
        switch (response.StatusCode)
            case HttpStatusCode.Redirect:
            case HttpStatusCode.NoContent:
                return null;
            default: throw new InvalidOperationException();

        // Get the redirect location
        Uri redirect = response.Headers.Location;

        if (redirect == null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Redirect response did not contain a redirect URI");

        // Create a class to handle the download with progress tracking
        logger.LogDebug("Wrapping release download request");
        IDownloadController controller = new HttpDownloadController(redirect);

        // Begin the download
        logger.LogDebug("Beginning release download");

        return await controller.DownloadAsync();

我的看来,我会使用IHttpClientFactory in Microsoft.Extensions.Http,并为class库的消费者创建一个自定义依赖注入扩展来使用:

public static class DemoClassServiceCollectionExtensions
    public static IServiceCollection AddDemoClass(
        this IServiceCollection services, 
        Func<HttpMessageHandler> configureHandler = null)
        // Configure named HTTP client with primary message handler
        var builder= services.AddHttpClient(nameof(DemoClass));

        if (configureHandler == null)
            builder = builder.ConfigurePrimaryHttpMessageHandler(
                () => new HttpClientHandler
                    AllowAutoRedirect = false
            builder = builder.ConfigurePrimaryHttpMessageHandler(configureHandler);


        return services;

DemoClass 中,使用 IHttpClientFactory 创建命名的 HTTP 客户端:

class DemoClass
    private readonly HttpClient _client;

    public DemoClass(IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory)
        // This named client will have pre-configured message handler
        _client = httpClientFactory.CreateClient(nameof(DemoClass));

    public async Task DownloadSomethingAsync()
        // omitted

您可以要求消费者必须调用 AddDemoClass 才能使用 DemoClass:

var services = new ServiceCollection();

通过这种方式,您可以隐藏 HTTP 客户端构造的细节。

同时,在测试中,您可以将 IHttpClientFactory 模拟为 return HttpClient 以进行测试。