独立于 CATIA 中的子程序将计数代码修改为 运行

Modifying a count code to run independently from a sub in CATIA

我正在努力修改大量现有代码,在尝试完成这些代码后,我对我所了解的 VBA 感到头晕目眩。我的编码经验主要是在 Python 中,我很难理解对象结构以及在 VBA 中什么是可接受的和什么是不可接受的。


Sub CATMain()

    GetNextNode CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product

End Sub

Sub GetNextNode(oCurrentProduct As Product)

    Dim oCurrentTreeNode As Product
    Dim i As Integer

    ' Loop through every tree node for the current product
    For i = 1 To oCurrentProduct.Products.Count
        Set oCurrentTreeNode = oCurrentProduct.Products.Item(i)

        ' Determine if the current node is a part, product or component
        If IsPart(oCurrentTreeNode) = True Then
            MsgBox oCurrentTreeNode.PartNumber & " is a part"

        ElseIf IsProduct(oCurrentTreeNode) = True Then
            MsgBox oCurrentTreeNode.PartNumber & " is a product" & i

            MsgBox oCurrentTreeNode.PartNumber & " is a component"
        End If

        ' if sub-nodes exist below the current tree node, call the sub recursively
        If oCurrentTreeNode.Products.Count > 0 Then
            GetNextNode oCurrentTreeNode
        End If

        If oCurrentTreeNode.Products.Count = 0 Then
            oCurrentTreeNode.ReferenceProduct.UserRefProperties.Item(1).Value = "Yippee!!!!!"
        End If


End Sub

这是我目前的尝试,当我将它放入当前文本时它似乎被忽略了。计划是替换我们修改现有属性的当前方式,以便它能够读取 CATIA 树并修改单个零件和产品。此外,我试图添加一个 createstring 来为一个不存在的用户创建一个新用户 属性。 returns 一个错误,指出程序需要一个 =。非常感谢任何帮助。

Dim oCurrentProduct As Product
Dim oCurrentTreeNode As Product
Dim i As Integer

' Loop through every tree node for the current product
For i = 1 To oCurrentProduct.Products.Count
    Set oCurrentTreeNode = oCurrentProduct.Products.Item(i)

    ' Determine if the current node is a part, product or component
    If IsPart(oCurrentTreeNode) = True Then
        MsgBox oCurrentTreeNode.PartNumber & " is a part"

    ElseIf IsProduct(oCurrentTreeNode) = True Then
        MsgBox oCurrentTreeNode.PartNumber & " is a product" & i

       MsgBox oCurrentTreeNode.PartNumber & " is a component"
    End If

    ' if sub-nodes exist below the current tree node, call the sub recursively
    If oCurrentTreeNode.Products.Count > 0 Then
        GetNextNode oCurrentTreeNode
    End If

    If oCurrentTreeNode.Products.Count = 0 Then
       oCurrentTreeNode.ReferenceProduct.UserRefProperties.Item(1).Value = "Yippee!!!!!"
       oCurrentTreeNode.ReferenceProduct.UserRefProperties.CreateString(Value, "Input")
    End If


看起来像 CreateString returns 一个 属性 对象。尝试像这样使用它:

' Use this line where you want to make a new property
SetUserProperty oCurrentTreeNode.ReferenceProduct, "Input", "Yippee!!!!!"

Public Sub SetUserProperty(ByVal myProduct As Product, ByVal code as String, ByVal newValue as String)
    Dim myUserProperties As Object 'As Parameters
    Dim myUserProperty As StrParam

    Set myUserProperties = myProduct.UserRefProperties
    Set myUserProperty = myUserProperties.CreateString(code, "")
    myUserProperty.ValuateFromString newValue
End Sub