有没有办法在 GraalVM 本机图像中使用 kotlin.random.Random

Is there a way to use kotlin.random.Random inside GraalVM native image

我尝试使用 Kotlin 构建一个简单的应用程序,该应用程序在 GraalVM 本机映像上使用 kotlin.random.Random class。 但这在运行时失败了。堆栈跟踪见下文。

作为解决方法,您可以使用 java 标准 java.util.Random class.

谁能告诉我如何使用 Kotlin 类型?


import kotlin.random.Random

fun main(args: Array<String>) {


# Graal Native Image Early-Access Build
# Make sure you configured Docker to use at least 6gb ram!
# build from project root dir with: docker build -t example-kotlin-random-graalvm-native:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT .
# run with: docker run -d example-kotlin-random-graalvm-native:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
# The builder image to build the native app
FROM findepi/graalvm:native as builder
LABEL stage=builder

WORKDIR /builder
COPY ./build/libs/app-all.jar ./app.jar
RUN native-image \
    --no-fallback \
    --static \
    -jar app.jar

# The actual image to run
FROM alpine:3.9
RUN apk --no-cache add ca-certificates

# App
COPY --from=builder /builder/app .
ENTRYPOINT ["./app"]


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

at com.oracle.svm.core.hub.ClassInitializationInfo.initialize(ClassInitializationInfo.java:290)

at java.lang.Class.ensureInitialized(DynamicHub.java:475)

at kotlin.random.Random.<clinit>(Random.kt:242)

at com.oracle.svm.core.hub.ClassInitializationInfo.invokeClassInitializer(ClassInitializationInfo.java:350)

at com.oracle.svm.core.hub.ClassInitializationInfo.initialize(ClassInitializationInfo.java:270)

at com.example.AppKt.main(App.kt:8)

Caused by: java.lang.InstantiationException: Type `kotlin.internal.jdk8.JDK8PlatformImplementations` can not be instantiated reflectively as it does not have a no-parameter constructor or the no-parameter constructor has not been added explicitly to the native image.

at java.lang.Class.newInstance(DynamicHub.java:793)

at kotlin.internal.PlatformImplementationsKt.<clinit>(PlatformImplementations.kt:41)

... 6 more

最小工作示例项目 here

您必须修改 reflections rules
将以下内容添加到 native-image 参数中:


并将受影响的规则 class 放入反射配置文件中:

    "name" : "kotlin.internal.jdk8.JDK8PlatformImplementations",
    "allDeclaredConstructors" : true,
    "allPublicConstructors" : true,
    "allDeclaredFields" : true,
    "allPublicFields" : true,
    "allDeclaredMethods" : true,
    "allPublicMethods" : true

或者你也可以在同一个文件中指定初始化方法,read this