如何生成 'crack the code' 的拼图?

How to generate puzzles to 'crack the code'?



例如图中的例子,我们知道A+C=5,因此可以推断A和C都不可能是6,这样反复做,就可以找到序列[=19] =]

现在,我的问题是:如何编写生成这些拼图值的算法? 我试图想出一个随机序列,并用 6 个类似的数学陈述来描述它,但在某些情况下,这个谜题将无法解决。

这种无法解决的情况/语句例如当序列为 012345 时,语句 A+B=1 B+C=3 C+D=5 D+E=7 E+F=9 F+A=5


For each variable, create a set {0,1,2,3,4,5,6} with its possible values.

Analyse each equation and cut values from the variables' sets based on the equations.

example: A + B = 3 (we can cut 4, 5 and 6 from A and B sets).

When all sets have only 1 element, that's your answer.

On the other hand, if all equations are analysed and no set changes, it's impossible.

Example:  (1) A + C = 5       (2) B - D = 5       (3) B + C = 6
          (4) E * F = 6       (5) B - E = 3       (6) A + D = 6

Analysing (1): Reduce A and C to {0,1,2,3,4,5}.
Analysing (2): Reduce B to {5,6}. Reduce D to {0,1}.
Analysing (3): Reduce C to {0,1}
Analysing (4): Reduce E and F to {1,2,3,6}.
Analysing (5): Can't reduce.
Analysing (6): Reduce A to {5}. Reduce D to {1}.
Not over yet, but something changed. Restart:
Analysing (1): Reduce C to {0}
Analysing (2): Reduce B to {6}.
Analysing (3): Can't reduce.
Analysing (4): Reduce E and F to {1,2,3,6}.
Analysing (5): Reduce E to {3}.
Analysing (6): Can't reduce.
Not over yet, but something changed. Restart:
Analysing (1): Can't reduce.
Analysing (2): Can't reduce.
Analysing (3): Can't reduce.
Analysing (4): Reduce F to {2}.
Analysing (5): Can't reduce.
Analysing (6): Can't reduce. 
Over. All sets of size 1. Answer: (5,6,0,1,3,2)


Choose a random answer.

example: (4, 1, 3, 2, 0, 5).

Generate 6 random equations with it.

Run S with this equations.

If S ends, you have a possible group of equations.

Otherwise, restart.

7^6 = 117649 个可能的代码。有 6 个问题,我们只需要每个问题删除 6/7 的搜索 space。如果前几个做得更多,那就更好了。

这三道题,很简单。当您查看求和或求差的方法分布时,您会发现求答案的方法不会超过 7/49 = 49 种,而且通常更少。所以将A、B、C、D、E、F分成3对2,提供随机操作,剩下的可能答案不超过343个。

根据你的例子,我随机生成了D-A=4C+F=7D-B=2。对于第一对,我们有 3 种可能性,对于第二对,我们有 6 种,对于第三对,我们有 5 种。

现在我们需要做的是实际构建所有的可能性(在本例中有 90 个)。然后你可以构造随机语句,并且只接受那些在通往 1 个解决方案的路径上的语句。这意味着剩下 3 个问题,你至少减少了立方根的系数(在这种情况下留下不超过 20 种可能性),用平方根减少 2(留下不超过 4),然后是单一的可能性。

考虑到随机问题平均会使您的搜索 space 减少至少 6/7,随机问题很可能很容易做到这一点。 (挑战在于验证答案。)


(D, B) (B, C)


(D, C)


(D, C) (C, A)


(D, A)

(A, D) 的方程式已经存在,所以我们可以同时求解。从那里,很容易看出如何完成解决方案。


(E, F) (E, F)


(E, B) (B, F)

这给了我们六个方程式中的三个(记住操作的选择可以是纯随机的)。我离开 reader 以更多地考虑完成。



const vars = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"];

function getOps(pair){
  return pair.includes(0) ? ["+", "-"] : ["+", "-", "*"];

function getRandom(k, list){
  let result = [];
  for (let i=0; i<k; i++)
    result = result.concat(
      list.splice(~~(Math.random()*list.length), 1));
  return result;

function getNum(a, b, op){
  return eval(`${ a } ${ op } ${ b }`);

function getEquation(a, b, op, idxs){
  // Randomise the order of the variables
  if (Math.random() > 0.5)
    [a, b] = [b, a];
  return `${ vars[idxs[a]] } ${ op } ${ vars[idxs[b]] } = ${ getNum(a, b, op) }`;

function f(){
  let remaining = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
  let result = [];
  // Remove one entry
  remaining.splice(~~(Math.random()*7), 1);
  // Shuffle
  remaining = getRandom(6, remaining);
  const idxs = Object.fromEntries(
    remaining.map((x, i) => [x, i]));
  // Select equation pairs
  const [a, b] = getRandom(2, remaining);
  const [c, d] = getRandom(2, remaining);
    getEquation(a, c, getRandom(1, getOps([a, c])), idxs),
    getEquation(a, d, getRandom(1, getOps([a, d])), idxs),
    getEquation(b, c, getRandom(1, getOps([b, c])), idxs),
    getEquation(b, d, getRandom(1, getOps([b, d])), idxs)

  const [e] = getRandom(1, remaining);
  const [f] = remaining;
  const [aa] = getRandom(1, [a, b, c, d]);

    getEquation(e, f, getRandom(1, getOps([e, f])), idxs),
    getEquation(e, aa, getRandom(1, getOps([e, aa])), idxs)

  const legend = Object.entries(idxs)
    .map(([x, i]) => [vars[i], Number(x)])
    .map(([a, b]) => `(${ a } ${ b })`)
    .join(' ');

  return {
    equations: getRandom(6, result).join('\n'),
    legend: legend

var result = f();
