在 Angular 应用程序中直接在组件 HTML 中获取会话变量?

Get session variable directly in component HTML within Angular application?

有没有一种方法可以直接在组件 HTML 中获取并显示会话变量的值,而无需将会话变量的值分配给局部变量?



Angular中提到documentation, the expression context in the template is the component instance. Since sessionStoragewindow对象的成员,不能在模板中直接引用:

Template expressions cannot refer to anything in the global namespace, except undefined. They can't refer to window or document.

您可以通过将 sessionStorage 分配给组件 class:

的 public 属性 使其在模板中可用
export class MyComponent {
  public sessionStorage = sessionStorage;



有关演示,请参阅 this stackblitz