如何使用 exchangelib 将电子邮件添加到现有日历条目?

How can I add an email to an existing calendar entry using exchangelib?


我正在尝试向该现有事件添加一些电子邮件,但是当我 运行 此功能时它会添加一个新事件。


(我是 python 的新手,所以尽量不要苛刻判断)

def updateInvite(pEmail,pSubj,iY, iM, iD, iHH, iMM):
    pytz_tz = pytz.timezone('America/New_York')
    tz = EWSTimeZone.localzone()    

    items = account.calendar.view(    
        start=tz.localize(EWSDateTime(iY, iM, iD, iHH, iMM)),        
        end=tz.localize(EWSDateTime(iY, iM, iD, iHH + 2, iMM)),        
    for item in items:    
        sEventSubj = item.subject        


pEmail = 'name.last@company.com'
sSubj  = 'Invite Test Meeting with Teams link'
iY = 2020
iD = 29
iM = 4
iHH = 16
iMM = 30
updateInvite(pEmail, sSubj, iY, iM, iD, iHH, iMM)


from exchangelib import ItemAttachment

# Create some filter to get the emails you want to attach
messages = account.inbox.all()[:5]
# Create a filter go get your calendar item
item = account.calendar.get(subject='Hello Python')
for message in messages:
    # Create the attachment and give it a name
    attachment = ItemAttachment(name='msg %s' % msg.id[:8], item=message)