为什么 BorderLayout 无法正确显示多层?
Why is BorderLayout not displaying properly with multiple layers?
我正在为 21 点帮助程序设置 UI,虽然我知道这不是最漂亮的做事方式,但它很有意义。
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.text.*;
// main method, runs the program
class BlackjackHelper
public static void main(String\[\] args)
Frame21 game = new Frame21();
//pop window with rules of game
// JFrame Construction
class Frame21 extends JFrame
// create needed components of program
JLabel questionDisplay = new JLabel("What is your first card?");
JLabel actionDisplay = new JLabel("Enter your first card");
JLabel dealerCardText = new JLabel("Dealer's Card:");
JLabel dealerCardDisplay = new JLabel("N/A");
JLabel handOneText = new JLabel("Hand One:");
JLabel handOneDisplay = new JLabel("N/A");
JLabel handTwoText = new JLabel("Hand Two:");
JLabel handTwoDisplay = new JLabel("N/A");
JLabel statsText = new JLabel("Win %:");
JLabel statsDisplay = new JLabel("N/A");
JButton aceButton = new JButton("A");
JButton twoButton = new JButton("2");
JButton threeButton = new JButton("3");
JButton fourButton = new JButton("4");
JButton fiveButton = new JButton("5");
JButton sixButton = new JButton("6");
JButton sevenButton = new JButton("7");
JButton eightButton = new JButton("8");
JButton nineButton = new JButton("9");
JButton tenButton = new JButton("10");
JButton faceButton = new JButton("F");
JButton clearButton = new JButton("C");
JButton standButton = new JButton("Stand");
JButton hitButton = new JButton("Hit");
JButton doubleButton = new JButton("Double");
JButton splitButton = new JButton("Split");
JButton winButton = new JButton("Win");
JButton loseButton = new JButton("Lose");
JButton resetButton = new JButton("Reset All");
JButton enterButton = new JButton("Enter");
public Frame21()
// JFrame - the main area of the program
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Blackjack Helper");
// JPanel right - the rightside of the program
JPanel rightSide = new JPanel();
JPanel rightNorthSide = new JPanel();
rightNorthSide.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,4));
JPanel rightSouthSide = new JPanel();
rightSouthSide.add(resetButton, BorderLayout.WEST);
rightSouthSide.add(enterButton, BorderLayout.EAST);
rightSide.add(rightNorthSide, BorderLayout.NORTH);
rightSide.add(rightSouthSide, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
frame.add(rightSide, BorderLayout.EAST);
// JPanel Center - the center of the program
JPanel center = new JPanel();
JPanel centerNorth = new JPanel();
centerNorth.add(questionDisplay, BorderLayout.NORTH);
centerNorth.add(actionDisplay, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
JPanel centerSouth = new JPanel();
JPanel centerSouthNorth = new JPanel();
centerSouthNorth.add(dealerCardText, BorderLayout.WEST);
centerSouthNorth.add(dealerCardDisplay, BorderLayout.EAST);
JPanel centerSouthSouth = new JPanel();
JPanel centerSouthSouthWest = new JPanel();
centerSouthSouthWest.add(handOneText, BorderLayout.NORTH);
centerSouthSouthWest.add(handOneDisplay, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
JPanel centerSouthSouthEast = new JPanel();
centerSouthSouthEast.add(handTwoText, BorderLayout.NORTH);
centerSouthSouthEast.add(handTwoDisplay, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
centerSouthSouth.add(centerSouthSouthWest, BorderLayout.WEST);
centerSouthSouth.add(centerSouthSouthEast, BorderLayout.EAST);
centerSouth.add(centerSouthNorth, BorderLayout.NORTH);
centerSouth.add(centerSouthSouth, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
center.add(centerNorth, BorderLayout.NORTH);
center.add(centerSouth, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
frame.add(center, BorderLayout.CENTER);
// JPanel left - the center of the program
JPanel left = new JPanel();
JPanel leftNorth = new JPanel();
JPanel leftNorthNorth = new JPanel();
JPanel leftNorthSouth = new JPanel();
JPanel leftSouth = new JPanel();
JPanel leftSouthNorth = new JPanel();
JPanel leftSouthSouth = new JPanel();
leftNorthNorth.add(standButton, BorderLayout.WEST);
leftNorthNorth.add(hitButton, BorderLayout.EAST);
leftNorthSouth.add(doubleButton, BorderLayout.WEST);
leftNorthSouth.add(splitButton, BorderLayout.EAST);
leftNorth.add(leftNorthNorth, BorderLayout.NORTH);
leftNorth.add(leftNorthSouth, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
leftSouthNorth.add(statsText, BorderLayout.WEST);
leftSouthNorth.add(statsDisplay, BorderLayout.EAST);
leftSouthSouth.add(winButton, BorderLayout.WEST);
leftSouthSouth.add(loseButton, BorderLayout.EAST);
leftSouth.add(leftSouthNorth, BorderLayout.NORTH);
leftSouth.add(leftSouthSouth, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
left.add(leftNorth, BorderLayout.NORTH);
left.add(leftSouth, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
frame.add(left, BorderLayout.WEST);
frame.setSize(1600, 200);
The layering for what seems to be the upper layers is not working properly. Any suggestions? The left should have four layers.
BorderLayout 没有 "layer"。
BorderLayout 的 5 个区域中的每个区域只能添加一个组件。
所以,是的,您可以创建一个 JPanel 并将多个组件添加到该面板,然后将该面板添加到 BorderLayout 的一个区域。
JPanel rightSouthSide = new JPanel();
rightSouthSide.add(resetButton, BorderLayout.WEST);
rightSouthSide.add(enterButton, BorderLayout.EAST);
但是,上面的代码是不正确的。 JPanel 的默认布局管理器是 FlowLayout
。所以指定 BorderLayout 约束没有任何作用(而且非常混乱)。
如果 "layers" 是指 "rows",那么您需要使用具有不同布局管理的面板。也许您可以使用 BoxLayout
阅读 Layout Managers 上的 Swing 教程,了解有关每个布局管理器如何工作的更多信息。
我正在为 21 点帮助程序设置 UI,虽然我知道这不是最漂亮的做事方式,但它很有意义。
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.text.*;
// main method, runs the program
class BlackjackHelper
public static void main(String\[\] args)
Frame21 game = new Frame21();
//pop window with rules of game
// JFrame Construction
class Frame21 extends JFrame
// create needed components of program
JLabel questionDisplay = new JLabel("What is your first card?");
JLabel actionDisplay = new JLabel("Enter your first card");
JLabel dealerCardText = new JLabel("Dealer's Card:");
JLabel dealerCardDisplay = new JLabel("N/A");
JLabel handOneText = new JLabel("Hand One:");
JLabel handOneDisplay = new JLabel("N/A");
JLabel handTwoText = new JLabel("Hand Two:");
JLabel handTwoDisplay = new JLabel("N/A");
JLabel statsText = new JLabel("Win %:");
JLabel statsDisplay = new JLabel("N/A");
JButton aceButton = new JButton("A");
JButton twoButton = new JButton("2");
JButton threeButton = new JButton("3");
JButton fourButton = new JButton("4");
JButton fiveButton = new JButton("5");
JButton sixButton = new JButton("6");
JButton sevenButton = new JButton("7");
JButton eightButton = new JButton("8");
JButton nineButton = new JButton("9");
JButton tenButton = new JButton("10");
JButton faceButton = new JButton("F");
JButton clearButton = new JButton("C");
JButton standButton = new JButton("Stand");
JButton hitButton = new JButton("Hit");
JButton doubleButton = new JButton("Double");
JButton splitButton = new JButton("Split");
JButton winButton = new JButton("Win");
JButton loseButton = new JButton("Lose");
JButton resetButton = new JButton("Reset All");
JButton enterButton = new JButton("Enter");
public Frame21()
// JFrame - the main area of the program
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Blackjack Helper");
// JPanel right - the rightside of the program
JPanel rightSide = new JPanel();
JPanel rightNorthSide = new JPanel();
rightNorthSide.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,4));
JPanel rightSouthSide = new JPanel();
rightSouthSide.add(resetButton, BorderLayout.WEST);
rightSouthSide.add(enterButton, BorderLayout.EAST);
rightSide.add(rightNorthSide, BorderLayout.NORTH);
rightSide.add(rightSouthSide, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
frame.add(rightSide, BorderLayout.EAST);
// JPanel Center - the center of the program
JPanel center = new JPanel();
JPanel centerNorth = new JPanel();
centerNorth.add(questionDisplay, BorderLayout.NORTH);
centerNorth.add(actionDisplay, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
JPanel centerSouth = new JPanel();
JPanel centerSouthNorth = new JPanel();
centerSouthNorth.add(dealerCardText, BorderLayout.WEST);
centerSouthNorth.add(dealerCardDisplay, BorderLayout.EAST);
JPanel centerSouthSouth = new JPanel();
JPanel centerSouthSouthWest = new JPanel();
centerSouthSouthWest.add(handOneText, BorderLayout.NORTH);
centerSouthSouthWest.add(handOneDisplay, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
JPanel centerSouthSouthEast = new JPanel();
centerSouthSouthEast.add(handTwoText, BorderLayout.NORTH);
centerSouthSouthEast.add(handTwoDisplay, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
centerSouthSouth.add(centerSouthSouthWest, BorderLayout.WEST);
centerSouthSouth.add(centerSouthSouthEast, BorderLayout.EAST);
centerSouth.add(centerSouthNorth, BorderLayout.NORTH);
centerSouth.add(centerSouthSouth, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
center.add(centerNorth, BorderLayout.NORTH);
center.add(centerSouth, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
frame.add(center, BorderLayout.CENTER);
// JPanel left - the center of the program
JPanel left = new JPanel();
JPanel leftNorth = new JPanel();
JPanel leftNorthNorth = new JPanel();
JPanel leftNorthSouth = new JPanel();
JPanel leftSouth = new JPanel();
JPanel leftSouthNorth = new JPanel();
JPanel leftSouthSouth = new JPanel();
leftNorthNorth.add(standButton, BorderLayout.WEST);
leftNorthNorth.add(hitButton, BorderLayout.EAST);
leftNorthSouth.add(doubleButton, BorderLayout.WEST);
leftNorthSouth.add(splitButton, BorderLayout.EAST);
leftNorth.add(leftNorthNorth, BorderLayout.NORTH);
leftNorth.add(leftNorthSouth, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
leftSouthNorth.add(statsText, BorderLayout.WEST);
leftSouthNorth.add(statsDisplay, BorderLayout.EAST);
leftSouthSouth.add(winButton, BorderLayout.WEST);
leftSouthSouth.add(loseButton, BorderLayout.EAST);
leftSouth.add(leftSouthNorth, BorderLayout.NORTH);
leftSouth.add(leftSouthSouth, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
left.add(leftNorth, BorderLayout.NORTH);
left.add(leftSouth, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
frame.add(left, BorderLayout.WEST);
frame.setSize(1600, 200);
The layering for what seems to be the upper layers is not working properly. Any suggestions? The left should have four layers.
BorderLayout 没有 "layer"。
BorderLayout 的 5 个区域中的每个区域只能添加一个组件。
所以,是的,您可以创建一个 JPanel 并将多个组件添加到该面板,然后将该面板添加到 BorderLayout 的一个区域。
JPanel rightSouthSide = new JPanel();
rightSouthSide.add(resetButton, BorderLayout.WEST);
rightSouthSide.add(enterButton, BorderLayout.EAST);
但是,上面的代码是不正确的。 JPanel 的默认布局管理器是 FlowLayout
。所以指定 BorderLayout 约束没有任何作用(而且非常混乱)。
如果 "layers" 是指 "rows",那么您需要使用具有不同布局管理的面板。也许您可以使用 BoxLayout
阅读 Layout Managers 上的 Swing 教程,了解有关每个布局管理器如何工作的更多信息。