Postgresql 主从复制滞后,但 pgpool 正在向两个数据库(主从)发送流量

Postgresql Master-slave replication lagged but pgpool was sending traffic to both db (master n slave)

我们使用pgpool2 framwork(master + 1 slave)做数据库负载均衡。

昨天我在测试服务器上遇到了一些数据库错误,说 - 'X 列不存在 ' 调试后,我们发现主从复制已停止或滞后,因此 django 迁移仅在主服务器上完成,而没有在从服务器上完成。 pgppol 仍在向从属服务器发送读取查询。



master_slave_mode = on
                                   # Activate master/slave mode
                                   # (change requires restart)


# - Streaming -

sr_check_period = 10
                                   # Streaming replication check period
                                   # Disabled (0) by default
sr_check_user = 'nobody'
                                   # Streaming replication check user
                                   # This is neccessary even if you disable streaming
                                   # replication delay check by sr_check_period = 0
sr_check_password = ''
                                   # Password for streaming replication check user
                                   # Leaving it empty will make Pgpool-II to first look for the
                                   # Password in pool_passwd file before using the empty password

sr_check_database = 'postgres'
                                   # Database name for streaming replication check
delay_threshold = 10000000
                                   # Threshold before not dispatching query to standby node
                                   # Unit is in bytes
                                   # Disabled (0) by default
