如何使用 opencv-python 将 python 中的 RGB888 转换为 RGB565?

How can I use opencv-python to convert RGB888 to RGB565 in python?

我想通过opencv-python读取相机图像,并将RGB565格式的图像原始数据(字节数组)发送到设备。 下面是一些测试代码:

import cv2
cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # open camera
flag, image = cam.read() # read image from camera
show = cv2.resize(image, (640, 480)) # resize to 640x480
show = cv2.cvtColor(show, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # convert to RGB888

在代码 运行 之后,它在最后一行通过 cvtColor 返回 "show" ndarray (numpy),"show" ndarray 信息是:

>>> show.shape
(480, 640, 3)
>>> show.dtype
>>> show.size


或者有人知道如何将 ndarray RGB888 转换为 RGB565?

我认为这是正确的,但没有任何 RGB565 来测试它:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import numpy as np

# Get some deterministic randomness and synthesize small image
im = np.random.randint(0,256,(1,4,3), dtype=np.uint8)

# In [67]: im
# Out[67]:
# array([[[102, 220, 225],
#        [ 95, 179,  61],
#        [234, 203,  92],
#        [  3,  98, 243]]], dtype=uint8)

# Make components of RGB565
R5 = (im[...,0]>>3).astype(np.uint16) << 11
G6 = (im[...,1]>>2).astype(np.uint16) << 5
B5 = (im[...,2]>>3).astype(np.uint16)

# Assemble components into RGB565 uint16 image
RGB565 = R5 | G6 | B5

# Produces this:
# array([[26364, 23943, 61003,   798]], dtype=uint16)

或者,您可以删除 cv2.cvtColor(show, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) 并将索引交换为:

R5 = (im[...,2]>>3).astype(np.uint16) << 11
G6 = (im[...,1]>>2).astype(np.uint16) << 5
B5 = (im[...,0]>>3).astype(np.uint16)