Docker --格式化为json。多个占位符的特定占位符语法

Docker --format with json. Specific placeholder syntax for multiple placeholders

我正在尝试使用 docker ps 和 json 格式命令生成如下所示的输出


docker ps --format '{{json .Names}}'

输出 {"name"} 没有标签。

docker ps --format '{{json .}}' 给出了所有带有标签的容器信息,但我不想要所有内容。


{"ID":"Container ID", "Image":"Image ID", "Names":"name"}
Placeholder Description
.ID Container ID
.Image  Image ID
.Command    Quoted command
.CreatedAt  Time when the container was created.
.RunningFor Elapsed time since the container was started.
.Ports  Exposed ports.
.Status Container status.
.Size   Container disk size.
.Names  Container names.
.Labels All labels assigned to the container.
.Label  Value of a specific label for this container. For example '{{.Label "com.docker.swarm.cpu"}}'
.Mounts Names of the volumes mounted in this container.
.Networks   Names of the networks attached to this container.


docker ps --format '{"ID":"{{ .ID }}", "Image": "{{ .Image }}", "Names":"{{ .Names }}"}'


{"ID":"ed3c992b7472", "Image": "alpine:3.9", "Names":"wizardly_buck"}