带有自定义标记和折线的 Mapbox 静态图像

Mapbox Static image with custom marker and polyline

我用这个 API 创建了一张地图: https://docs.mapbox.com/api/maps/#static-images 我将 "path" 参数与折线以及自定义标记的 "url" 参数一起使用。 问题是路径越过标记,有解决办法吗? 谢谢

根据 API 文档 (here):

The order of features in an overlay dictates their Z-order on the page. The last item in the list will have the highest Z-order (will overlap the other features in the list), and the first item in the list will have the lowest (will underlap the other features).

因此,您可以通过在请求中将 path- 叠加层放在 url- 标记叠加层之前来纠正您看到的行为,如下所示:

https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/streets-v11/static/path-{your path value},url-{your marker url}/auto/500x500?access_token={your.token}

⚠️ 免责声明:我目前在 Mapbox 工作 ⚠️