什么所有局部变量都转到 Data/BSS 段?

What all local variables goto Data/BSS segment?

此处 nm 的手册页:MAN NM

The symbol type. At least the following types are used; others are, as well, depending on the object file format. If lowercase, the symbol is usually local; if uppercase, the symbol is global (external)

下面有 "b" 和 "B" 代表 "uninitialized data section (known as BSS)" 和 "d" 和 "D" 代表 "initialized data section"

但我认为局部变量总是转到 Stack/Heap 而不是 "Data" 或 "BSS" 部分。那么nm在说什么局部变量呢?

"local" 在此上下文中表示文件范围。


static int local_data = 1; /* initialised local data */
static int local_bss; /* uninitialised local bss */
int global_data = 1; /* initialised global data */
int global_bss; /* uninitialised global bss */

void main (void)
   // Some code

函数范围的静态变量进入数据或 BSS(或文本)部分,具体取决于初始化:

void somefunc(void)
    static char array1[256] = "";            // Goes in BSS, probably
    static char array2[256] = "ABCDEF…XYZ";  // Goes in Data
    static const char string[] = "Kleptomanic Hypochondriac";
                                             // Goes in Text, probably

类似的规则适用于在文件范围定义的变量,有或没有 static 存储 class 说明符——未初始化或零初始化的数据进入 BSS 部分;初始化数据进入数据部分;常量数据可能会出现在文本部分。